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Once upon a time, in a far far away kingdom,
In the tallest tower, there stood a girl.
And as the curtains swayed from the evening breeze,
as the moonlight never leave, there stood a girl who have been waiting.
For the knight that will never come.

Her story is not one of those fairytales, that have happy ending
And from pursuing her lifelong search,
tragedy will be the outcome.
The torches attached at the breaking walls, got its light dwindling
The bookshelves of her list were collecting dust and ashes,
While the mirror beside her bed became foggy.

She sobs quiet screams on the pillow that was no longer soft,
and whispers upon the breeze that will never know her thoughts.

Once upon a time, in a far, isolated kingdom,
Where hearts got frozen and gargoyles stood guarding the castle's porch.
A knight got his courage piling in his armored heart,
and who desire the princess who's been calling out,
took a climb in the tallest tower.

There above the mattress, buried in pink cushions.
As the curtains swayed from the morning breeze,
as the sun did left, there lied a girl who got tired of waiting.

"It's too late..."

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