Surprise (Chapt 32)

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Today you had a free day off of work. So you decided to go to a furniture store and look for more decorations for your house.

Since it was only one bed room, and you lived alone you decided to change your room around too.

After you bought your stuff and loaded it in the car you get a phone call.

You shut the trunk of your car and climbed in the car answering your phone. "Hello!"

"Hey y/n. Come over for a bit" jisoo says on the other line.

It took you a minute to respond. "I'm busy."

"Doing what?"

"Redecorating my apartment."

She gave you and soft 'oh' before speaking again. "Hey, did you speak to jungkook today?"

You furrowed your eyebrows at her question. "No. Why?"

"Good. No reason."

You raised one eyebrow. "How is that good?"

She let out an 'mmm' before speaking as if she was thinking of something to say.

" Just wanted to make sure he didn't  ruin anything. Anyways bye~! I'll let you finish decorating."

"Wait jis-" just before you could get another word out she hung up.

You drove out the parking lot heading home. As you drove home you couldn't stop thinking about what jisoo said. 'Make sure he didn't ruin anything '.

You just shook it off so you wouldn't stress yourself.

You struggled trying to carry multiple bags in at a time so you wouldn't have to make multiple trips.

"Here, let me help you" a voice says

You looked over to see your neighbor Minjun.

You smiled as he took one of the bags. "Thanks"

You lead him into your apartment. He dropped the bags by the door. "Thank you so much, Minjun."

"It was no problem, a lady shouldn't do heavy lifting by herself."

You laughed a little waving him goodbye before closing and locking your door.

You huffed and glanced around your small living room. "Time for  the tiring stuff" you mumbled to yourself.

Time skipped by and you were finally done. You plopped down on the couch smiling at your self while looking at the great job you have done.

You got up and ran you a shower.

After you got out of the shower you made you some ramen.

You turned off all the lights in the front and made sure your door was locked before you took your ramen and went into your bed room.

You looked at the clock that read 8:38 p.m.

You wasn't really tired, so you just watched a movie on tv.

Your phone started ringing. You looked at the caller ID that read 'mom'.

You answered it. "Hey mom. What's up?"

"Hey sweetheart, just catching up on you. How's the decorating going?"

You smiled and looked around your dark room. "It went pretty well, and I'm already finished."

You could hear your mom laughing in the other line. "Well that's good honey. You should send me a video in the morning."

You chuckled a little. "I will mom. How-"  you where cut off by the door bell.

"Hold on mom, some ones at the door."

You starting getting nervous as you stood up slipping your slippers on.
"It must be jisoo again." You said to your mom.

It ringed again. "Here I come!"

You ran towards the door unlocking it with your phone still in your hand.

You swung it open and stood there frozen.

It felt like everything was In stop motion. Then your phone slipped out of your hand as you just stood there.

You could hear your mom on the other end calling your name.

Your eyes start wavering around the figures face. And then it spoke.

"Hello y/n. Missed me?"


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