Promise (Chapt 28)

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I walked home after school feeling like one of those girls in a romantic movie.

I skipped all the way home from school. I wish jungkook would've walked with me but he had track practice.

As I stood in front of my front door before walking in, I squeal and jump up and down.

I walked in getting tackled by jisoo. "You guys are dating!?"

She pinned me on the floor holding my hands above my head. "Yes. Now can you please get off of me?"

Her smile grew wider and wider after she heard me say 'yes'.

I raised and eyebrow looking at her. "What are you about to do?"

She then hopped off of me and ran to her phone. "Hey, tae. Would you and jungkook like to go with me and y/n?"

I got up and ran towards her. "Where are we going?"


I just sat there and listen to her y'all on the phone with her lover.

She then hung up and turned towards me with a smirk. "We are going on a double date!"

My eyes widened. "A-a date?! Why? We just became official yesterday"

She rolled her eyes and yanked my wrist and dragged me upstairs.

She then threw me on the bed and running to her closet.

"What're you looking for?" I asked watching her dig through her closet

She just ignored me and kept digging. "Found it!"

I tried to look over her back to see what she was looking for but she hurried and shoved it in her pocket.

"What's that?"

She turned around to face me. "Nothing. Now go get ready."

I huffed as I stood up from her bed and marched to my room.

I just threw on some ripped jeans and my red hoodie with my red converse highs. (Converse High😉)

I met jisoo downstairs. She turned to me and her smile dropped. "What are you wearing go change!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "What? What's wrong?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Really? Your going to wear that to go on a date?"

I sighed and plopped down on the couch. "Jungkook seen me like this before so why do I have to change?"

She rubbed her temples and sighed. "Fine. Wear whatever."

I smiled and stood up and walked towards the door.

At The Date

Jisoo pulled up to the mall. As I stepped out the car I heard someone call my name.

"Y/n! Jisoo!" It was Tae's voice.
But I didn't see jungkook.

I looked around but I still couldn't see him. "Your looking for jungkook?" Tae asked.

I hummed a yes in response. "He said he'll meet us right here. So we just have to wait"

I sat down on the bench waiting for jungkook while I watched jisoo and tae be all cute together.

I got tired of waiting and was about to go back to the car when someone called me. "Y/n!"

I turned around to see jungkook jogging towards me. My smile grew wider as I started running towards him.

When we reached each other I tackled him. "Hey! Get off of me!"

I stood up brushing my self off and helping him up. "Sorry"

He laughed and laced his fingers in mines. "It's fine. Let's go"

We looked around for jisoo and tae but we couldn't find them.

It was just awkward silence. "I like your outfit"

I smiled at jungkook as he looked down out me. "Thanks. At first jisoo told me to change because we are going on a date. But I told her I wanted to be myse-"

"Yes. Be yourself, I like who you are." He smiled as I gave him a smile back.

A couple of hours went by as we went store from store. I could here my stomach growling. And by the look of his face I could jungkook heard it too.

He stopped walking and looked at me. "Your hungry?" I nodded my head.


He took me to a cotton candy stand. I started jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Pink please!" I told the person behind the cart.

As I was waiting for my cotton candy, I felt some one pulling on my arm.

I turned around and looked down at a little boy.

"Excuse me. May I get in front of you please?" The little boy asked.

I looked at jungkook and smiled as I looked back down at the boy. "Sure"

I stepped behind him pulling jungkook.
The little boy turned back to me. "Thank you. Your really pretty"

I chuckled and patted his head. "Your welcome, and thanks."

He then turned to look at jungkook. "Are you two in a date?"

Jungkook smiled a little. "Yes, we are."
He looked at me and put up his finger telling us to wait.

I looked at Jungkook and stood there. "Here you ma'am" the person handed me my cotton candy. "Thanks"

Jungkook tried to pull me so we could leave, but I stopped him. "Wait. I'm waiting for that little boy to come back."

He rolled his eyes and huffed. "Ok, fine"

I saw the little boy running back with a bunch of flowers.

He pulled on Jungkooks arm and whispered something in his ear.

Jungkook laughed and took the flowers from him and gave him a 'ok'.

He waved at us before leaving. But before he could leave I stopped him. "Wait. What's your name?"


I kneeled on my new so I could reach his level. "Nice to meet you jisung, I'm y/n." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and patted his head.

"Bye!" He waved happily as he ran off to his mother.

I turned back to jungkook and smiled. He handed be the flowers and took my hand.

"So, What did he whisper to you!"
Jungkook stopped and turned towards me.

He smiled and looked in my eyes. "He told me that your a really beautiful woman and that I'm very lucky to have you."

I could feel the blush form on my cheeks. "Wow. That jisung is really adorable" I laughed.

"He's right though" Jungkook said as he started digging in his pocket.

He pulled out a necklace. "What's that?"

He put it on me and I looked at it. "It's like a promise ring but except a necklace"

I smiled and held it. "What's it for?"

"Promise me that you'll never hurt me, like Mina did."

I hugged him and buried my face into his neck. "I would never hurt you like she did"

A/N: I feel like this chapter was long😬 But it was also kinda boring to me😴 But I hoped you liked it😁❤️ 

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