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"happy birthday, mom." juna whispered out, attempting to hold back her tears. her mother had actually made it till her own birthday, something none of the siblings had expected, due to the terrible shape she was in by now.

"you remembered."

"of course i did" a weak smile fixed itself on the elder woman's face as she lightly squeezed juna's hand. "i'd never forget my mother's birthday." a small groan escaped her mother's lips as she leaned over and grabbed the small wrapped box from juna's hand.

quickly unwrapping the navy blue wrapping paper and opening the small box, a silver necklace was revealed to the both of them. "nayeon and i have one too, so that way we're always together." juna lifted the piece of jewelry hanging down her chest, showing her mom her part of the set.

"the three of us together at all times. that sounds perfect, juna. thank you." tears slipped from both women's eyes as they sat there, embracing the silence once again. "don't you have to work? you always work around this time. or classes?"

"yunho took over my shift for me, actually. i had to see you. nayeon, daewon and i are coming back later when they're out of school. they're really excited to see you."

silence. more silence lingered in the air.

"i miss you, mom. i miss having you at home. and it hurts, only being able to see you in these situations. i hate seeing you in this constant pain, and it's only getting worse, isn't it? are you even going to get better? are you even going to come back home?" the girl's voice broke as she barely choked out those words. keeping her head down, she tried to minimize her sobs, but to no avail. "baby, don't cry for me. give it time, things will be alright. you will be alright."

juna shook her head, "no. it- i won't be alright without you. don't you realize we need you? we need you so much, everything's a disaster at home. i can't do any of it right. i need you." she pleaded, to which her mother's expression softened even more. she scooted over to make place for her daughter, patting the bed to invite her in. once juna was lying next to her, she wrapped one arm around her. closing her eyes, she whispered to her broken daughter.

"sometimes things have to get a little worse before they can get better, my love."

"i think we passed 'a little worse' a long time ago."

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