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2. Ginny Weasley

Ginny may be the strongest character in the entire series. Her very first year of Hogwarts, she finds Tom Riddle's diary and begins talking to it, being led to believe that he is her friend and that he is trying to help her. All the while, she is being taken advantage of and forced to do things she would not otherwise do. She tries to break free of the curse the best way she knows how, but fails and nearly dies. She is then rescued by the great Harry Potter, who is not only essentially a celebrity, but also the person that she has a crush on. A lesser person would have used the following heartbreak and feelings of inadequacy and weakness as reasons to give up, but instead Ginny uses them to push herself. She becomes a better and stronger person. She is determined to never let fear and evil overtake her mind the way it did before. She works on herself and dates other people so that when and if Harry is ready for her, she is ready for him. Then, when Harry finally admits his feelings for her, he quickly dumps her again and runs off to fight without her. Again, Ginny uses this as a chance to improve herself and help others. She never gives up on Harry and helps him even when he refuses to admit that he needs the help. She stays behind at Hogwarts and reforms Dumbledore's Army with Neville, making sure that there is a light to be found in the darkness that is Snape's reign of terror at Hogwarts. She never gives up on her friends or herself and, while she has seen just as much hardship as any other character in the series, arguably more than most, she never feels sorry for herself or gives herself a pass. Instead, she is always finding ways to improve herself and to help her friends, proving herself to be a Weasley throuh and through, and one of the strongest and most compassionate of the bunch.

Total: 107

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