but why?

soon couldn't find a reason nor explanation. he was perfectly fine the previous day, even the nurse hoseok informed her that he had been eating perfectly and had been taking his pills without refusing. he had been sleeping 8 hours a day and even was seen taking sun in the middle of the afternoon.

so why he was in such state?

she couldn't help but wonder if it had to do with one of the other identities. there had been cases. it could happen.

in some cases, a person could wake up speaking another language, confused, but it happened to be another identity.

other identities had different phobias and allergies so maybe they could have different immune systems, right?

soon put the folder down and walked towards his bed, staring at his charming feautures.

she thought he looked like any other 26 year old boy his age. he looked calmed, peaceful and handsome, extremely handsome.

his hair had grew a few centimeters since she started treating him and she couldn't deny he possessed handsome traits, like his elegant long neck, his big eyes with long eyelashes or his full lips.

the doctor looked away as she felt frustrated over her thoughts. she knew they were misplaced.

but when she felt something caressing her forearm she quickly turned around and her eyes widened when she noticed him awake and staring at her.

"d-dr. park... y-you're here." he saif after a few seconds of silence.

she swallowed hard. "ah... yes, of course, i was notified of your – she stopped talking when she noticed he was staring down at her body, especifically at her tight short black dress.

for a second she felt extremely exposed and wished to have brought with her her long coat, that now she realized, accidentally she left on kihyun's car.

"i... nurse hoseok called me and told me you had a breakdown... how are you feeling?" she asked, reaching for the small flashlight that was left behind, probably by the doctor who checked him.

he remained still as she checked his eyes, he only nodded after a few seconds. "what happened?" she asked turning off the light and staring down at him.

somehow she felt he was frozen or something similar since he seemed completely catatonic. just looking up, staring at her. "hyungwon-ssi?" she asked, moving her hand close to his big eyes.

"how are you feeling now?" she asked again.

"what is that smell?" he asked, blinking twice as if he was realizing the smell of something for the first time. soon's eyes widened as she quickly smelled herself.

"i- i don't know what you're talking about-

"that smell... it's you." his eyes widened for a second. soon felt her heart racing.

"hyungwon-ssi- she started but he grabbed her arm and brought it close to him, to his face, specifically close to his nose.

she didn't dare to move nor say anything, she just looked at him in awe. "that smell – he started as he closed his eyes, inhaling the aroma of her skin – it's... - he opened his eyes and in that moment they looked dark and sparkly at the same time – delicious. divine." he added caressing the small piece of skin that showed on her wrists.

she swallowed hard as she tried to free herself from his strong grip. "hyungwon-ssi-

"i feel much better now dr. park... thanks to you." he said grabbing her hand and staring down at it, with something similar to admiration.

she found herself confused and unable to act. it was as if she didn't know what to do or say. "you're here. you came." he said now looking up, finding her confused eyes.

soon opened her mouth to say something but the words never came. they were stuck at the back of her throat. hyungwon smiled.

"are you nervous dr. park?" she tried to answer but only a shook of her head was the only thing she could motion.

to hyungwon's fun, that's exactly how he wanted to have her. "is it because of me? do i make you feel nervous dr. park?" he asked, somehow with an innocent tone.

she thought he must be a great actor or maybe he was really being sweet and innocent. even if the questions didn't seem innocent, the way he acted truly was.

"h-hyungwon..." she started as she strangely felt her eyes turning glassy.

in a second he sat straight and stood from the bed with a quick and swift move. his eyes remained on hers and she quickly took a step back, still unable to say or do anything.

"why are you here dr. park?" he asked biting his lip, walking towards her at the same time that soon took steps backwards.

when her back hit the wall, he lifted his arms and caged her between his chest and the cold wall.

memories and flashbacks from the previous day when he did the exact same thing, popped in her mind as she felt her knees growing weak at his intimidating, exciting and towering figure.

"you could have come on monday morning... you could have checked on me through a phone call... why are you here?" he asked again, his voice still had a sweet tone. a tone she had never hear before.

"i- i- she said, shaking her head, shrugging since she didn't know what to answer.

it was true. she could have checked on him through a phone call. she could have called hoseok and ask for him, she could have even give instructions and she could have continued through that family dinner.

hyungwon was fine. he was out of danger and she perfectly could have come that next monday morning to check on him.

but instead she chose to come. she chose to interrupt a family dinner with the parents of her future husband to cross the city from east to west, in the middle of the night to check on him. to be with him.

"why?" he asked again, leaning closer to her. she felt his hot breath brushing her cold skin. the contrast perfectly sent shivers down her spine.

at that point she was completely pinned against the wall and his body was close to hers, irradiating warm, warm that she surely welcomed in that cold wing of the clinic.

"you don't have an answer for me dr. park? i thought you always had the right answers." his voice was soft and low. as if he was really trying to have a civilized conversation with her but with tenderness and understanding.

"no?" he asked shaking his head, still somehow expecting an answer from her.

soon remained silent for a few seconds until she opened her mouth to deliver her final answer but her words were soon replaced by the hungry lips of her patient.

her patient. 


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