Salem Day 1 part 2

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(River POV)

After an hour of planning we actually had one. Me, Annabella, and Amy's Plan.

The Doctor wasn't in it much because he would try to sonic everything.


Pretend to help with the preparations

Get the girls out without being seen

Get to the TARDIS

Make Sure To:

Explain the situation

Don't say anything about the TARDIS

No Rose speak


(Annabella's POV)

We woke up Tom, Rory, and Chistpher as we dropped off the Doctor. He need the open the doors and the others needed to stand outside to fight the people running after us if we get caught. It also has a clear view to the cross to see if we get burned too.


We in to the church easily. Many were praying, probably the family of those being burned. It's really sad. Then, I saw the priest.

"Hello, Victoria." He said to me, bowing.

"My name is Annabella." I said. "This is my ....... friend River and Amy."

"What can I do for you beauties?"

"We would like to give the nuns a break, they works so hard." Amy said shaking her head. "We would like to do the preparations." Not trusting Amy because of her hair color he hesitated.

"Sir, I would very grateful if you allow us to do this." I said seeing if being asked to marry the prince had any leverage. Looking deep into his soul reading him like a book. It was a gift of mine. "Please?" I finished.

"Fine, since you will be the queen someday." 'Yeah right!'


We went to find the room in the vast halls of the church. Walking next to River I ask " It hurts doesn't it?"

"What?" River says

"Thinking about Rose. He loved her didn't he?"

"Yes, but that was before he met me. I couldn't control him if I didn't know him."

"It still hurts though, doesn't it."

"Yes, like hell." she sighed the. Finally found the right room.


As we walked into the room that held the girls I untied them.

"Listen, you are mistaken!" The girl how looked like Rose said.

"We know, you are not witches! But, may I ask of your name?" I say

Helping them up.

"Primrose." she said. "These are my sisters, Raven and Lily."

"We must get out now!" Amy said. "They are starting the first group this is the third though."

"I can not run in this dress!" Primrose said pointing to the white long dress. I bent over taking out my knife and cut it short. A little over the knee.

I didn't have to for the other two because they were wearing pants.

"Why aren't they wearing a dress?" Amy ask.

"Because they're virgins or innocent. They do not believe they themselves are witches but they helped one." River said.

"I am innocent! A married man forced his love upon me! When his wife found out said it was my witch craft that made him do it, and that he shall burn, too." Primrose said crying.

"Don't worry. This is your get out of jail free card." Amy said, then Primrose looked at her confused. "What?"

"Never mind that, Raven get on River's back and Lily on Amy's. We have to run for my box it will be safe there."

Then we ran all the others before me as I made sure no one saw us. Until I was stopped. By a man about 6 feet tall dirty blonde hair. He was beautiful.

"We are to marry." The man said grabbing my arm tightly "And if you don't want me to tell the priest what you have done. Marry me."

Looking to see If they had made it to the TARDIS I saw Primrose had fell. It would take me too long to help her and get onto the TARDIS before the mobs did. Oh shit!

"Fine." I said. 'But I have to tell you I'm not human."

"I know, Doctor." He said accusingly. He thought I was the Doctor? The blow up my planet to kill the daleks who are still alive? What did he take me for? Wait, a man?

"I'm not the Doctor. The Doctor's on that ship that is gonna leave soon." Like magic it was gone. They would come back for me right? Right?!



Hi guys! I know I've been slow with updates but I just don't know anymore should I keep this going? Or stop? Well, if you're logined in and read this far just vote and comment. It makes me write alot faster

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