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She sat in class, not giving a single care about what's happening. She stared outside, watching those playing soccer at the field.

Something caught her eye. As she squinted towards one person, she realized it was him.

She watched him play with soccer ball and score the goal. She stood from her desk and screamed in joy.

The people surrounding her all went quiet and focused all on just her.

"Do you have anything to share with us? Is there any reason why you cheered so loudly and disrupted the class"

Her teacher spoke as she stood from her desk, with her hands folded.

"Oh..." she stared around the classroom and was put in an awkward situation.

"Please excuse me miss!" She ran out the classroom, not knowing where to go and why she even ran out.

'Why did I scream? Why am I such an idiot!' The same thought ran through her head repeatedly as she ended up outside not even knowing herself

She was too busy thinking about what she did, she forgot other people were walking around her.


She clashes into someone in the hallway as she falls on her back but abruptly gets caught. She groans in pain as she looks up to see who she bumped in to.

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry- Hana?!'

'Ay...it's prince-' She pointed directly at him, smiling, before passing out as she was too surprised she was in the hands of her prince charming.

'oh god, you're pretty heavy,' he heaved as he carried her outside to the courtyard to get her fresh air.

jimin, smiling so subtly, took his time walking and admired the features he couldn't see upon Mina's face

'huh...you are cute after all. why do you hide your face all the time when i look at you then...'

he spoke to himself as he stared at mina one last time before sitting her on the chairs and disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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