"Boring," Lydia said nonchalantly. Brooke had to disagree. While she wasn't highly interested in a monster from the eighteenth century, she was worried about Allison's interest in it. As of now, Allison didn't know about her family's hunting business, and Brooke wanted it to stay that way. If Allison found out, she'd want Brooke dead.

"It is believed that La Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renown hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature," Allison said as Brooke mentally rejoined the conversation. "His name was Argent."

"Your ancestors killed a big wolf, so what?" Lydia asked, clearly still uninterested with the topic of conversation.

"Not just a big wolf. Take a look at this picture," Allison said. She flipped the book so Lydia and Brooke could see it. "What does it look like to you?"

Lydia's eyes widened and Brooke looked at her friend with concern. The picture in Allison's book looked worryingly like the monster in the video Stiles had found on Lydia's phone. While Brooke had deleted the video and returned the phone without Lydia's knowledge of its disappearance, Lydia had still seen the creature first hand that night at the video store.

"Lydia?" Allison asked softly.

"It looks like a big wolf," Lydia snapped at her. "See you later." She grabbed her bag and lunch tray quickly, then stood up from the table and walked out of the room. Brooke mumbled something to Allison about needing to hand in an essay and followed Lydia out of the cafeteria.

"Lydia, wait up!" Brooke called to her friend as she chased her down the hallway outside of the cafeteria. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just—" Lydia cut herself off. "I'm still having nightmares about the night at the video store. It doesn't help that my parents still argue over the phone every day. You'd think getting a divorce would solve that issue, but nope."

Brooke grabbed Lydia's arm and squeezed it. Lydia gave her a grateful smile as she approached her locker. Lydia twisted the lock and opened it, exchanging the textbooks in her arms for the one's she needed.

"Also, Jackson has been really distant lately," Lydia pouted. "I don't know if it's just the video store incident, or if there's another girl, or if it's something else. He just isn't talking to me like he used to. For example, he has this weird scratch on the back of his neck, but he won't tell me what it's from."

"A) there can't be another girl, you're the prettiest girl at this school," Brooke began. "And B) what do you mean there's a scar on the back of his neck?"

Lydia smiled at the first half of Brooke's sentence. "I don't know, it's a few deep holes in the back of his neck? I don't know, really. He hasn't let me close enough to see it."

Brooke frowned. "How about this, I'll try and catch Jackson during study hall and see what's up with him. If there's anything serious going on, I'll let you know."

"You are the best friend a girl could ask for," Lydia said, shutting her locker.

Brooke beamed. "Tell me something I don't know."


Brooke and Jackson had Health together before free period, so when the bell rang, Brooke was quick to follow him out of the room.

"Yo, Whitmore!" She called. Jackson stopped in the middle of the hallway to wait for her. "Mind having some company during free period? I'm trying to procrastinate my French homework as much as possible."

"Sure," he laughed. "I have to go grab my lacrosse bag out of my car if you don't mind the walk." Brooke shook her head and they walked through the double doors leading to the parking lot. Jackson let out a heavy sigh, and Brooke took the chance to look at him. The bags under his eyes were prominent and a dark purple.

"How have you been, Jackson? Seriously," Brooke asked him. He looked at her and took in the genuine concern on her face.

"Not that great," He answered. They arrived at his car and neither of them said anything as he grabbed a duffle bag out of the back seat. "I haven't really been sleeping well recently."

Jackson turned back to the school, but Brooke stopped him. She nodded her head towards the lacrosse field, silently asking if he wanted to continue walking instead of going back inside. He nodded his head and the two began walking again.

"Is it because of the night at the video store?" She asked. Jackson clenched his jaw and looked down. "There's no need to be ashamed, Jackson. It was only three nights ago. I know I'm still getting nightmares."

"You are?" Jackson asked, relaxing slightly. Brooke nodded.

"I'm pretty sure Lydia is too." Jackson's jaw clenched again at her words. "What's going on with you and Lydia? I know she's worried about you."

Jackson shook his head. "She just doesn't get it, you know? I have all this pressure on me to be the perfect team captain, the perfect student, the perfect son. She just adds to the list by trying to make me the perfect boyfriend."

Brooke looked at him sympathetically. "I know it seems like Lydia is pressuring you, but it's just because she cares. She may not entirely understand what you're going through, but she has her own struggles too."

Jackson took in what she said and nodded his head. They walked in silence for a moment as they approached the lacrosse field.

"You want to maybe explain the scratch on the back of your neck?" Brooke asked.

Jackson opened his mouth to respond, but movement on the lacrosse field caught his attention. Brooke followed to where he was looking and almost let out a laugh. Scott was standing with his hands taped behind his back, and Stiles was throwing lacrosse balls at him with every ounce of his strength.

"What the hell are they doing?" Jackson laughed.

"I have no idea," Brooke answered honestly. They watched as Stiles continued pelting balls at Scott, letting out a chuckle as Scott cursed "Son of a bitch!"

However, the humor of the situation quickly faded as Scott fell to his knees and his shoulders began trembling. Oh no, Brooke thought. She took a hesitant step towards them. Scott ripped his hands out of the duct tape that was holding them. Jackson leaned forward to look at Scott's figure and Brooke panicked momentarily.

"We should head back inside, I'm getting cold!" Brooke said suddenly. She grabbed Jackson's hand and forcefully pulled him towards the school. For a second Jackson was surprised at how strong she was, but his thoughts quickly bounced back to Scott on the field.

"Hey, you're friends with Stilinski and McCall, right?" He asked.

Brooke looked back at the field briefly. "Not really. Why?"

"Something is going on with McCall," Jackson shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Just last semester he was unbelievably awful during lacrosse practices, and somehow this semester he's first line? It's not possible." He shook his head again. "At first I thought he was on steroids or something, but now I think it's more than that."

"What are you thinking?" Brooke asked. She hoped he hadn't notice the waver in her voice.

"I don't know," Jackson said, eyebrows furrowed. "But I'm going to find out."


uh oh jackson what are you up to!!!

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