Something's Not Right

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Kara brought Mon El back to the DEO so Alex could run some tests. Mon El laid in the same bed as he did when he when he had kissed Kara for the first time. Kara sat beside his bed on a stood while they waited for Alex and the results. Kara was holding Mon Els hand while she moved pieces of his hair that were longer than others away from his face. Mon El was staring at her and smiled.
"What?" Kara asked.
"Nothing, just, I didn't think I would see you again." Mon El responded.
"Me neither." Kara kissed his forehead. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." Mon El put his free hand on Kara's stomach. "I missed both of you.
Kara smiled. After a few minutes of waiting and sitting in silence, Kara winced and moved her hand onto her stomach.
Mon El noticed. "Kara? Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, just pregnancy pains. I'm okay." Kara quickly changed the subject. "I think Alex should be back soon. I'm going to go and check. I'll be right back." Kara stood up and stopped at the door clutching her stomach.
"Kara you don't look okay." Mon El said sitting up in his bed.
"I'm good, I just need to catch my breath."
Kara held onto the door trying not to break it. She started to get dizzy and fell backwards.
"Kara!" Mon el ran out of his bed and caught Kara before she hit the ground. He lowered her to the floor and he held her in his arms. "Alex! Alex it's Kara!" He yelled hoping she could hear him from the lab.
Alex came running not a minute later and crouched down beside Kara.
"Mon El what happened?"
"I don't know. She just collapsed."
Alex waved her hand in the air and three DEO agents  came to pick Kara off of Mon El but he stoped them.
"No. I'll carry her." Mon El picked Kara up off the floor and followed Alex into another lab with a bed that was lined with a small green wire going across.
"Lay her down on the bed." Alex said flicking a switch. The green wire turned light green and started glowing. Mon El laid Kara down on the bed and she immediately started wincing.
"What's wrong?" Mon El asked holding Kara's hand.
"We lined the bed in Kryptonite." Alex said.
"You what?"
"Don't worry. It's not enough to hurt her, it's just enough to make her as vulnerable as a human so we can do our thing."
Two other nurses came over. One started taking her blood to test it and the other was checking her vitals. Alex grabbed a bottle and to Mon El what looked like a wand.
"Lift up her shirt." Alex said opening the bottle.
"Just do it."
Mon El lifted up Kara's shirt so her stomach was visible. Alex pored the cream on Kara's stomach and started moving the wand around onto of the cream and Kara's stomach. A picture appeared on a screen on the wall. Alex was watching it while moving the wand around.
Mon El tried to make out what it was. "What is that?"
"This machine allows us to see inside of Kara." Alex pointed to the screen. "That, is your son."
Mon El smiled now seeing the baby on the screen. Then he looked down at Kara. He took a wet cloth one of the nurses had brought over and wiped her face. He bent down and whispered to Kara. "You were right Kara. You were right about Mike."
Alex interrupted. "Hold on. Somethings not right." Alex had the wand on the right side of Kara's stomach, where Mike was. She moved it towards the left side and looked closer at the screen. "Oh my god."
"Alex, Alex what is it? Is Kara okay?"
"I need this confirmed." Alex said. Immediately, the two nurses came over to the screen and the three of them started talking in a hush voice so Mon El couldn't hear them. Finally, the two nurses nodded their heads and walked out of the room. Alex turned off the machine and with another cloth, she wiped of the cream from Kara's stomach and pulled her shirt back down.
"Kara will be okay." Alex told Mon El.
Mon El sighed with relief.
"But I did find something." She handed him a picture. He looked it over. "Do you know what that is?"
"Yeah." He pointed to the right side of the picture. "That's Mike. You showed me on the screen. But I don't get it. What was wrong."
"Look at the other side. Do you know what that is?"
He looked at the other side. Then back at the other side. Then back again. "Both sides are identical. I don't get it."
Alex took the picture. "They're identical because there are two of them." She pointed to each side of the picture with each of her index fingers.
"What? There's two of them? Kara has twins?"
Alex made a noise that sounded almost like a laugh. "Yeah. I guess so. Mike now has a sister."
Mon El started smiling like crazy. "I'm going to have a son and a daughter?!"
"Oh my god." He ran over to Kara. "Did you hear that Kara? Were having twins." He looked over at Alex. "Thank you."
"No problem. Mon El, I hate to bring this up, but Winn had said that there were people inside tubes on your ship."
"Yeah, there not dead if that's what you're wondering."
"No, I just want to know what happened over these seven years you were gone."
"Kara told you?"
"She said that was the only thing you told her."
"It was. When Kara gave me her pod so I could leave Earth, I went through this breach in time and I went to the 31st Century. For the first three years all I tried to do was find away back to Kara. But I couldn't. Then I met my two friends, Imra and Brainy. So, I created a group called 'The Legion Of Superheroes' and we represent good and justice and we protect to universes. I used Supergirl to represent us. Supergirl is admired by people on thousands of different planets across the universes. Then Brainy and Imra figured out a way to jump to different places in the universe in less than a minute. I asked them if they could figure out a way to go back in time so I could come back here. They said they'd work on it. That was the fifth year. They said they couldn't figure it out, so I was stuck there. Then two weeks ago, I found out that they did figure it out and I could have gone back to Kara, for me, two years ago. So I made them bring me back here."
"So why are they and the people in the pods here?" Alex asked.
"Imra insisted that there was a villain here that if we didn't stop now, she would destroy everything and there'd be no future."
"And do you believe her?"
"Imra and I have had some, complications. She had said nothing about this villain before I told her I wanted to come back. So I don't believe her."
Mon El hesitated. "Imra very recently, had told me she had feelings for me. She's from a planet named Titan and there, marriage is different than it is on Earth, Daxam and Krypton. For one, the women are the ones who propose and two, they don't have to know you for a year to propose. They could know you for two days and then ask you."
"Oh, that sounds fun." Alex said sarcastically. "Did you tell Kara? About Imra, I mean."
"No. I didn't get a good chance yet. I will tell her. I'm not going to lie to her about this like I did about me being the prince. I can assure you that."
"Do you love her?"
"Not like that. I grew to care for her, but I never loved her like I love Kara. I've never loved anyone the way I love Kara.
Alex looked pleased. "Just, don't hurt her. Kara's been through too much."
"I won't. I promise."

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