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Shane slams his laptop shut and sighs. He chugs the rest of his A&W soda. Andrew is sick and he's having trouble editing a video himself. He wants his cameraman to recover though. The 30-year-old man groans and throws his head on the back of the couch. His wonderful boyfriend comes into the rescue, “Are you okay, Shane?”

“Yeah, just a little stressed,” he answers and weakly smiles at his Ryland. His boyfriend inches toward the couch. He stands in front of Shane and places his hands on his hips. Shane’s reddish brown hair swings with him as he tilts his head. “What are you doing?” He asks. Ryland smirks, “Well, Morgan isn’t home. I can help you with the stress.” This sudden voice change in Ryland makes the pig feel tingly inside. Ryland climbs on top of Shane. Their lips immediately connect. The smaller man’s hands find his boyfriend’s head and holds it as he kisses him. His knees push against the couch, making his crotch and chest push against his boyfriend. Shane could feel the erection starting between his boyfriend’s legs. Ryland’s hands pull Shane’s hair, making the older man groan. Both of their faces are already red. They pull away and share a quick glance; cloudy blue eyes meeting clear blue ones. The glance says so much. Shane grabs Ryland thighs and lifts him up. “We’re taking this up to the bedroom,” Shane whispers into his ear, making the younger man shiver. He pecks Shane all over his face. Up the stairs Ryland moves his lips down to his boyfriend’s neck.

In the bedroom, Shane throws Ryland onto their unmade bed. Uno hops off the bed and travels down the stairs; well aware of what his dads were about to do.

The couple continue to make out, stopping once to get Ryland’s shirt off. The make out a little longer before Ryland mumbles into Shane’s ear, setting him off, “I’m ready.” Ryland scoots up further on the bed and slowly slips off the rest of his clothing. Shane stares at his wonderful body. He wouldn’t want anyone else. Ever. But he could still use that foursome with Evan and Jonathan. Not really.

He noticed Ryland’s half erected penis and he starts to feel himself grow hard. He slips off his one and only neon green boxers and crawls onto the bed. Ryland knew what was going to happen next. He flips himself over and stays on his hands and knees for his boyfriend. Shane smacks his tiny ass and then grabs the lube out of the drawer beside their bed. Ryland watches him out of the corner of his eyes. He suddenly feels the cold sensation of the lube being rubbed onto his ass, helping Shane get his fingers ready. The younger man feels the fingers inside of of him, spreading him open. He gasps as Shane’s now hard member entershim. Ryland moans wincing with every thrust. Shane grasps onto his boyfriend’s weirdly girly hips and they move together. Their hips connect like puzzle pieces. With each movement Shane could feel his stress slipping away. All he is worried about now is Ryland. “Right there, Shane, keep going,” Ryland could barely speak. He sounds like he’s out of breath. The older man could feel his boyfriend’s body gradually tighten. His ass grew tight. Ryland clenches onto the pillows and bed sheets. He can’t move, because of how good it feels. Ryland orgasms as he releases onto the bed. He moans and everything seems to slowly go free. With a few more thrusts Ryland could feel the warm liquid from his boyfriend running down his ass and legs.

Both of them fall on the opposite side of the bed from where they just made love.

Shane turns to Ryland and they both smile while breathing heavily; both of their chest rising rapidly. They cuddle with each other, some of their blanket covering their man parts. Ryland happily sighs, “I just gave you my superluv.” Shane sits up on his elbow with a look of disgust on his face, “Never say that again.” Shane’s face slowly turns into a chuckle as he kisses handsome boyfriend on the forehead. Gradually they fall asleep, dreaming of them not having to clean up the mess they just made.

At least Shane’s stress is gone.


So this is the first smut I’ve written between two people that like are legit. Ya know? H2OVanoss unfortunately isn’t real (that we know of), plus we don’t know what Delirious looks like so you really can’t picture Vanoss and him fucking, but you can Ryland and Shane. So I’m a lil’ worried about how y’all are going to react.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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