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“I can’t believe you’re actually here,” Evan joyfully stated as he and Jonathan stood, waiting for the employee at the front desk to check them in. “Yeah, it’s… different,” Delirious replies and finally rolls his suitcase beside him. “So, what changed your mind?” The owl questions as the two move up in the line in the lobby. Delirious sighs, “Honestly, I was finally ready to meet you guys. Face to face. What’s a better place to do it than Comic-Con?” They both share a smile of happiness; they enjoyed each other’s company.

“Hello! Welcome to the Holiday Inn!” The girl at the desk warmingly smiles. Evan returns the smile, “We have a room booked for one night with two beds. Last name Fong.” The lady looks at the computer and frowns. Delirious looks down at the name tag. “Is there something wrong, McKennah?” She turns to the clown with the same frown; with a mix of confusion. “Well, the room you originally had booked is taken,” McKennah explains. Evan turns to Jonathan and then looks back at McKennah, “We can just book another room, right?”

“Yes, we have one room left. It's on the same floor, but it has one bed,” she explains with a smile once again. Evan's pulse shoots through the roof. All 10 stories of the hotel. “Aight,” Delirious alluringly smiles at Evan. His face burns up, “Okay. Fuck it. We'll take the room.”

The two wait for the elevator to come down. Evan nervously taps the handle of his suitcase. It echoes in the empty hallway. The raccoon notices this. He gives Evan a concerning glance, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?” He shares a coy smile. Jonathan shrugs him off as the elevator doors open.

In the room Delirious throws his suitcase onto the right side of the bed; closer to the A.C. Evan walks in behind him and frowns when he doesn't spot a couch. Delirious pops open his suitcase and grabs a tank-top, “I'mma change into pajamas!”

The bathroom door shuts and Evan plops onto the bed. It's fucking queen sized. Skin would probably touch tonight, and boy is Evan right.

Why is the owl so worried about sleeping in the same bed of his friend? He's straight anyway, right? He didn't have a girlfriend in months, maybe even a year or two. Sexual tension might be the thing.

Delirious's light-skinned hands travel down the lower abdomen of the Asian man. The nerves tingling in the younger man. Jonathan's cold fingers travel down the boxers and grab Evan's-

“Evan! Are you feeling okay?”

The owl jumps off the bed, “Yeah! Why?” Jonathan looks at him weirdly, “You looked very sweaty and red.” Evan shakes his head at the clown, “Nope. Nada. Nothing wrong!” Vanoss grabs his PJs and rushes to the bathroom and tries to stop thinking about his friend that way. He stares himself in the mirror. He touches his face and imagines Delirious doing the same thing- No he shouldn’t be imagining it; it’d make him want it even more.

Jonathan spreads out on the bed like a child. He sighs at the yellowish ceiling. Maybe he could sleep on the only chair in the room. Delirious is feeling the same way as Evan; afraid of sleeping in the same bed as him. They were merely friends, right?

Evan crawls into bed as Jonathan sits in the chair watching the Travel channel; an episode of Ghost Adventures playing on the T.V.

A bright light illuminates from Evan’s side of the bed. He must be on his phone, the clown thinks and turns back to the television. The lack of conversation kills the social raccoon. He thinks about what to talk about. He twiddles his white thumbs and finally says, “Thanks for paying for the room Vanoss.” The owl flips over on the bed so he could see his friend, “No problem. You are buying me dinner tomorrow in return,” he explains and laughs. Jonathan laughs with him. They gradually stop laughing and they just stare at each other. Evan’s hand lay under his own head as he watches the different colors of the T.V shine in the eyes of his friend. How about a one night stand? The thought flows through the owl. He immediately removes the thought. “Well, I’mma fall asleep soon. Night Delirious,” Evan flips back over. Jonathan slightly smirks, “Wow, an owl falling asleep before a raccoon? Never thought I’d see the day,” the clown jokes. “Shut the hell up. I’m tired,” Vanoss groans back; he’s not really tired. He just wants to fall asleep before Delirious gets into bed.

The owl hears the TV shut off and the bed slightly move. He feels heat radiate from the clown beside him. His head explodes along with his heart; fuck, fuck, fuck. The clown sighs and gets as close to the edge of the bed as he can, without falling off of course. Jonathan shifts his legs and it hits Evan’s. He mumbles a “sorry”.

Later in the night Delirious hears the soft breathing of his friend beside him. He easily flips over, because he sleeps better on his left side. He instantly regrets his decision. He’s face to face with an adorable owl. His raven hair is ruffled and his cheeks are mushed together because of his hand under his head. At least he could fall asleep. Delirious sighs as he watches his friend. He hates to admit it, but the sleeping owl is very cute. Suddenly Vanoss shifts in bed and lifts his left leg up. It hits Delirious’s upper thigh. It doesn’t fall back down though, it stays there. Delirious grabs his ankle, making the owl stir awake. They instantly make deep eye contact. “Sorry,” Jonathan whispers. Evan doesn’t say anything though. Jonathan’s skin is very warm and soft. A hand travels onto Delirious’s thigh. The brown eyes give him a deadpan look. No emotion going through them. The cheeks turn red on the raccoon as Evan moves closer to him in the bed. Evan’s tired, his brain’s not on, the clown thinks and hopes. “Evan, go back to-” warm lips stop Jonathan from continuing his demand. His blue eyes go wide, but his brain shuts off and he closes them. His hand moves to the back of Evan’s head. His black hair so soft on the fingertips of the raccoon. Nerves explode in Jonathan’s lower region as their tongues glide across each other. Evan’s skin his so smooth under his touch. The tan hands explore under the gray tank-top of Delirious’s. He wasn’t fit, but he wasn’t unfit either. Jonathan gets up onto his hands and places both of them on each of Evan’s sides. Delirious now towering over Vanoss. Evan looks up at Delirious with a look of innocence and confusion. They both knew this was bound to happen. What they didn’t know is what was to come after it. Jonathan leans down and kisses Vanoss on the lips, making him dreamingly smile. That smile kills the clown. He slides his hands under the black shirt of Evan’s. His hands immediately travel down his maroon boxers. Before Delirious gets into his underwear his grasps his wrist. They stare at each other, both of them biting their lips. Jonathan slips off his black boxers revealing his half erected penis. He grabs Evan by his strong ass calves and pulls them around his own waist. Jonathan’s hands rest on top of Evan’s as he pulls down his own boxers, revealing his own half erection. Before Delirious starts jacking off his friend, the tan hands stop him once again. Evan then gestures for Jonathan to get closer. His breath is hot on the clown’s neck, “I want you to fuck me.” The blue eye go wide, “Are you sure?” He whispers back. Evan nods as he grabs Delirious’s shoulders and pulls himself up. As Evan flips himself over, Jonathan caresses his hips. Jonathan holds his hand in front of Evan, making himself lean on fthe small owl. Jonathan sticks three of his fingers into Vanoss’s mouth. He then takes them and spreads the 26 year old’s cheeks. His length slowly enters the anus of his friend. “How’s this?” Jonathan questions. “Go further,” Evan pleads, and the clown obeys. Suddenly Vanoss gasps, “That’s it!” His yell makes Jonathan’s feeling grow stronger. He finally hit Evan’s g-spot. “Fuck,” Evan moans as Delirious goes back and forth. All of a sudden Vanoss freezes, every muscle in his body tenses and his jaw drops; he’s orgasming. In a man the g-spot is usually his prostate gland, a little bump that can be reached from a man’s rectum. Once massaged it can bring a man to an orgasm. Delirious definitely hit it in Vanoss.

The owl flips back over. The sight for Delirious is wonderful. Vanoss lay there with his legs spread and is covered in his own semen. He weakly tugs at Delirious’s top, trying to get him to come down beside him. Once he falls down beside him Evan kisses him and continues kissing as he jacks him off. Jonathan moans onto Evan’s lips, sending vibrations through his body. Finally the clown throws his head back as he releases onto his best friend.

They stare at each other and slowly drift asleep with their hands connected.

In the morning they go downstairs for the free breakfast; of course after cleaning up. They spot the guys at a table. Delirious walks in front of Vanoss, so the guys don’t see him slightly limping. At the table sits Nogla, Terrorizer, Wildcat and Mini.

At breakfast they all chat. “So, when’s the next comic-con where we can stay in a hotel?” Delirious questions and they all look at him weird except for Evan. He lowers his head and continues eating his scrambled eggs. “I don’t know. Why? Do you like hotels?”

“Yeah. A lot,” Jonathan answers Tyler and turns to Evan. Brian looks at Tyler and Craig and then at the raccoon and owl. He smirks, “That’s saying a lot. Now answer this Delirious. Is it because you and Evan slept in the same bed, or is because you guys fucked?”


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