The Big Meeting

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Shane intertwines his fingers with Ryland, the two have been walking through the shopping square for at least a half hour. Shane just wanted to go to the food court, but his other half wanted to find Christmas gifts for the rest of his family. "Just get them cards or some shit." Shane groans at his tired legs. "No, I want this Christmas to be special." 

"What's so special about this one?" 

Ryland looks at another store window, "I feel it in my gut."

"Are we going to meet someone new?"


"Is it going to be here?"


"In the food court?"


"Fuck yes." 

Ryland shakes his head as they continue walking. 

Suddenly "Seasons Of Love" plays throughout the center. "Ohmygod, I love Rent." 

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"The musical Shane. You know you should really watch your language. Santa is watching."

"I hope he's watching us fuck."



"Do you think Morgan will like this scarf?"

"Not as much I she liked the followers I gave her on Instagram."

"Shane, answer me honestly." 

"Sorry babe, yes. She'll look like a queen in it." 

"But I thought you were the only queen."

"If I'm the only queen why haven't I been fed yet? Hmm?" Shane brings out his queen voice. 

"Should I bring my play button?"


"Why? Will there be other youtubers in the food court? Ooo, I hope they like pizza."

"No, come on." The couple rejoin their hands and start towards the food courts. 


"I'm going to go get chinese okay? Will you be fine by yourself?" Ryland asks his hungry boyfriend. 

"A queen can take care of herself sometimes. Yes, I'll be in the pizza line."

Ryland walks away and Shane steps up into the pizza line. He notices a guy in front of him looking lovingly at the pizza. "I want foooood." He says to himself. Shane tries not to laugh, but fails terribly. The man turns around, his blue eyes widen. Shane instantly notices the Scream shirt under the unzipped, blue hoodie. "Ohmygod, I love Scream." The man let's out the loudest laugh ever. Shane's jaw drops, "I fucking love everything about you already. Hi, I'm Shane." The man sticks his hand out, "Hi, I'm Jonathan, some people call me Jon, or Delirious." Shane puts his hand on his chest and makes his usual double chin. "Shit, let's be friends Delirious." 

"So, you like Scream?"

"I love all kinds of horror. I play lot's of horror games-"

"Shit, do you have a YouTube?"


"How haven't I heard of you?" Shane questions. 

"H2O Delirious?" 

"More like fucking water queen. I love the name. I'm a YouTuber myself. Shane Dawson."

"Never heard of you."

"Wow." Shane and Delirious both chuckle. 

After the men get their food they get a table together and talk. 

"So, my boyfriend hates any type of horror." Delirious states, knowing Vanoss does play scary maps on GMOD, but that's just about it. 

"You have a boyfriend?" Shane asks, shook. 

"Yeah. He's also a YouTuber."

"So is my boyfriend. Holy shit. Is he here?"

"Yeah he's in the line for chinese."

"So is mine, holy fuck." 

"Now is your boyfriend fit, and all nicely dressed?" Delirious asks, thinking about how Evan styles his hair every morning and puts on hot ass clothing. He also eats healthy, sometimes. 

Shane stops eating, "This is so fucking weird. It's like we're spiting images of a couple, except we don't look alike. We both like food, and horror. And then there's our fit ass boyfriends." 


Over in the chinese Ryland finally meets Evan. Ryland drops his one chopstick on accident, and being the nice bean he is, Evan picks it up. "Here you go." 

"Thank you...?"

"Evan, or Vanoss."

"Or Vanoss? Are you a YouTuber or something?"

Vanoss feels sort of offended, "Yeah."

"So am I." Ryland weirdly smiles. 

The two hit it off instantly. Talking about fans, working out, and lastly their boyfriends. "So do you dress up as women?" Ryland nervously asks and laughs. "Unfortunately, that's the only thing we don't have in common." A weird question hits Ryland, "Are you the bottom also?"

"Most of the time, but he let's me fuck him sometimes."

"Wow, wish mine did that." They both laugh, "So you wanna finally walk over?"


The other men walk over to the tables, Evan notices a man sitting with Delirious. "Hey, there's someone sitting with my man over there." Evan stands very defensively. Ryland looks over, "Oh, don't worry, that's my boyfriend." 

"Oh shit, I'm sorry."

"It's totally fine, you ready to finally meet mine?"

"By the way you said it, it seems like they're exactly the same as each other." 

Shane spots his boyfriend, he stands instantly once he sees Evan. He puffs out his chest. Ryland laughs, "Calm down, it's your new friend's boyfriend." Shane realizes, "Oops, hi I'm Shane." He shakes hands with Evan as Delirious greets Ryland. Both of the couples sit down across from each other. Shane across from Delirious and Ryland across from Evan. They talk for a while, until some of the restaurants start closing. "So we gonna foursome?" Shane asks as him and Ryland stand. Ryland hits his boyfriend in the chest. "When and where?" Delirious asks and then laughs, Evan hits him in the arm. Both Delirious and Shane laugh. "It was awesome meeting you guys. You got our numbers and stuff right?" Ryland asks. "Yeah." Both Evan and Delirious say at the same time. "Cool, we should totally double date." Shane states. They all hug each other, "See ya." Shane says as Evan and Delirious wave and walk the opposite direction. 

Delirious and Evan hop into their blue jeep. Delirious turns to Evan, "Let's start a channel where we test products and do stupid shit." Evan smiles, "Sure."

Shane and Ryland hop into their weirdly the same vehicle. Shane turns to Ryland, "Let's start a gaming channel!" 


I loved writing this, I'll hella write more about them. Maybe put some Pricefield in there. BUT YAS, BITCH THIS SHOULD HAPPEN. 


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