Hot Stuff pt.1

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Jay and Summer looked at each other then at Ara, before both laughing. Relief washed over all of them, though now Ara was dreading a whole new situation. They drove nearly an hour to get to the club so that they wouldn't encounter anyone they knew, and now she had three of her brother's friends at the club with them.

"Ahh, why me?!"


Niall simply wanted a drink, a nice Guinness would've been great, instead he grumbled about the U.S and their unbelievable legal drinking age whilst settling with a sparkling water. It at least had a strawberry with it, but still, sparkling water.

He looked around him in the booth, realizing that he'd somehow lost the other lads, somewhere in the club.

Actually he was pretty sure that Liam was somewhere in the club, a dark crevice probably where he could simply be left alone. The guy had been angry, bitter, and sad, all at once since he and Harry came back from New York. None of them knew why and when they asked, Liam only got quieter so they stopped asking.

Harry was outside, talking to Hope on the phone... they were trying to plan when Hope would use the plane tickets that Harry bought her for her birthday to go and visit him in England, as Harry was still trying to do everything he could to make Hope fall for him too.

Zayn and Louis were somewhere on the dance floor in ridiculous wigs, both enjoying a bit of free time where they weren't stuck in the studio for hours on end. Louis though was also giddier than ever as he managed to successfully win over Eva, Melina's friend.

Niall grumbled once again, not feeling quite up to dancing but bored out of his mind. So instead he glared down at his sparkling water.

He sighed before deciding to go back to the bar and get something else, maybe he could convince the female bartender to just give him a small glass of something... with just a little bit more in it.


"That's really nice," Ara said trying to smile, as the one guy that was not Bradley's friend seemed to have taken a shining to her. He was apparently the captain on his rowing team, and from Bradley's friends, he'd learned that she was a rower too. So now he was exalting himself and his rowing skills to her.

Ara was cringing on the inside. She glared at her two friends whom were having fun with Bradley's friends, chatting, and getting to know each other. They would all turn to look at her every once in a while with Ryder, and give her an amused look, almost snickering at her, before looking away. Some friends they were...

"My muscles were tired after we tied but I still led my team to the national championships in the finals..."

Ara nodded, before shooting her friends a pleading look to get her away from Ryder and his amazing accomplishments.

Summer laughed along with Peyton, the one that had been blowing kisses at them earlier. Peyton waved at her before mouthing to be nice.

Ara glared at them. She was being beyond nice as it was! There was only so much a girl could take though!

"Come on let's dance!" Summer said grabbing her at last, trying to save her before Ryder talked her ear off. Jay followed them to the dance floor just as Hot Suff (let's dance) by Craig David came on.

The girls laughed at the song.

"Let's dance!" They sang as they danced. "Get on the floor no need to hold back!"

"Some hot stuff is all that I need, so why we waiting. Let's dance!"

"You're so hot, you must've come from the kitchen!" Summer sang pointing to the two of them, causing all three to break into more laughter.

Barely a minute later, the boys joined them on the dance floor, apparently thinking that the girls were having too much fun to miss out on. Therefore Ara once again had Jay and Summer ditch her and leave just enough room for Ryder to slink in while Peyton and David began to dance with them.

"You're really hot!" Ryder exclaimed, like as if she was supposed to be flattered that he'd noticed. "And I like your boots," He pointed down at Ara's cowboy boots. "They're really smokin."

"Um, thanks," Ara said slowly moving away from him, only to have Ryder move closer.

"The guys were telling me that Bradley had a sister that rowed, but they never told me that you were so hot."

"Probably because if they think that, Bradley would kill them." Ara said trying to be nice and subtly warn the egotistic jock off. Her brother's name usually worked.

"I've never met him, we're not in the same major."

Well damn. Ara thought to herself.

"I think you and I could be totally-" Ryder began to say as he grabbed her waist.

"Um, I'm, I have to get a drink, dehydration's dangerous, you know?" Ara said before fleeing.

"Go after her man," David, another one of Bradley's friends said laughing, while she was still in hearing range.

Ara cursed David walking faster than ever, when she turned the corner, she panicked, hearing Ryder say her name, so she dived under the nearest table of an empty booth.


Niall was walking back, sadly empty handed, just as a confused blonde guy stopped in front of him, looking around wildly. Niall wearily passed the guy.

As Niall sat down, he heard a strange noise from underneath the table, like a sneeze. He looked around him, not sure if he was hallucinating or not

Ara's eyes widened as she saw someone sit down. Why did she always get herself into these situations?!

As if Fate was against her, she felt a sneeze coming along. She tried to hold her nose but it didn't work.

There it was again, a sneeze. Niall glanced around him once more before ducking down, so that he was nearly laying on the booth.

His eyes widened when he saw that the sneeze came from a person, wearing cowboy boots apparently as they were the first things he could see in the darkness. Then he saw that it was girl, one that was sitting in a crouched position, underneath his booth in fact! He couldn't help but notice and think how uncomfortable the girl had to be as her black dress flared around her.

Ara's eyes were wider than saucers as her eyes connected with the person sitting at the booth she used to hide from Ryder and his prowess. Her jaw nearly dropped when her eyes connected with blazing Cerulean orbs. Holy mother of pearl, it was Niall Horan!

A grin broke across Niall's face as he also recognized the girl as Melina's friend... and the one that hit him with the baseball. Just thinking about it, Niall unconsciously touched his forehead where the baseball hit him.

Ara winced and cringed as she saw Niall touch his forehead. But it meant that Niall apparently remembered her... that was something right? Oh what was she kidding, one of the most embarrassing moments of her life. She did not want Niall Horan to remember her for that!

Her brother and the twins were still laughing at it now. They were constantly teasing her too, knowing how much she liked One Direction. They had even taken to wearing their sports helmets around her, to constantly remind her of the accident.

"You're Melina's friend?" Niall tried to confirm.

"Yeah," Ara answered still embarrassed.

"Is there a reason you're under there?" Niall asked, his eyes twinkling in amusement.

"Actually there is," Ara said.

"Do you want to get up from the floor and tell me in a more comfortable seat? Or should I join you down there..." Niall offered, excited and not bored for the first time in the past hour. For some reason he just knew that he was not going to be bored with Melina's friend here now.

Ara blushed. "No, no, I'll get up!"


Hey guys, sorry its been a while since I last updated!

But I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Thanks everyone for your support! Love you guys!

Serendipitous: Niall's StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon