Hot Stuff pt.1

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"Cause you were right here and I should have taken the chance, but I got so scared and I lost the moment again!" The three girls sang along rather loudly, and quite out of tune but having the time of their lives.

All the windows were down, letting the breeze play with their hair, twisting it here and there, creating a bird's nest instead of the windswept hair that Hollywood proponed, yet none of them cared. They only had so many days left of Thanksgiving holiday and they were going to enjoy it.

"It's all that I can think about, oh, you're all that I can think about!" Ara sang along with her two best friends, before the three of them burst into laughter as they stopped at a red light. Next to them was a car with four boys, that were obviously staring at the three girls. Unfortunately the road was fairly dark as the trees were in the way of the lamp posts, thus the girls couldn't get a good clear view of the boys. However that didn't stop anyone as the seven simply stared at each other.

Ara and her friends started to laugh as the guys literally began to roll down their window to talk to them.

One of the girls, Summer leaned over from the backseat to turn the radio up louder so that One Direction was blasting from their car just as the chorus started. She turned to the boys, they were now mouthing something that none of them could hear or read. Though Ara could swear one of them seemed to be saying her name.

"I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you. I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you. I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you. I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you!"

The three girls looked at each other before laughing. Just as the light turned green, all three turned to their admirers and winked before continuing on their way. Jay, the last passenger even blew a kiss as an added affect.

"I think they're following us." Jay said as she noticed that the car was now behind them.

"Are you serious?" Summer and Ara asked simultaneously before taking a look themselves. Jay was right, the car with the four boys had switched into their lane and seemed to be following them.

"Well I'm not sure if I'm creeped out or flattered." Ara said from the driver's seat.

"This is probably why my parents told me to never talk to guys on the road." Summer said looking back from the back seat. "Holy crap, the passenger guy is blowing a kiss at us now."

"Okay, officially creeped out now." Ara stated.

"Maybe we laid it on too thick." Jay muttered.

"We were just having fun." Ara said looking once again in the rear view mirror.

"You would think they would be chased away when I turned the volume up on One Direction." Summer added. "We were totally messing with them."

"You would." Ara agreed. "Okay, lets just forget them, if they want to follow us, I say let them, anyway, um where do I turn next?"

"Right... wait, wait, no I mean left at the next stop!" Summer said, never being very good with her lefts or rights. She was one of those that you had to point the direction to or she went the wrong way.

"I'm going to die with you two!" Jay said as Ara corrected herself back into the left lane.

Ara and Summer merely laughed her off.


"I can't believe those guys followed us in here!" Summer hissed upon seeing the guys enter the same club.

Ara looked at them, closer this time. "Oh my god!"

Jay and Summer to turn to her.

"Those creeper's are Bradley's friends!" Ara groaned, not believing her luck.

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