xii. the yule ball (part2)

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From being two people she never heard before by the names Edward and Sammy to being two boys she would remember because of their insane dance moves.

And for the first time in a long time, Luke was actually being a teenager. A bright smile was on his face as he along with the three boys slurred the lyrics to the song.

"You are the best dancer I've ever met Eddie!" Aurora exclaimed hyperactively.

"You're not bad yourself."

For once nothing came into her mind other than happy about the night she was having, dancing with the three boys without a care in the world.

It seemed as if not even the thought of having to go back to Aleksander mansion, going to a ball most nights of the week, her entire summer being spent alone, ignoring every blood traitor phrase that was thrown off her,

Not even the thought of Sirius could ruin Aurora's night.

Hermione had dragged her arm a few seconds later as she pulled her close to speak due to the loudness of the music.

" Have you seen Harry or Ron? I thought maybe we could all get drinks or something?" she slurred. Her eyes widen, she poked her nose. "Oh my god..I have a nose!"

Hermione didn't appear judgmental, only laughed. "I didn't think they're here anymore."

Dean who almost on the verge of passing out, pointed a finger behind them, "Harry's over there if you're looking for him."

She vaguely sees both names boys, who weren't looking the happiest. She presumed Ron was because of Viktor and Hermione as his eyes were currently burning holes in their heads.

And Harry sitting with his eyes glaring at someone across the room.

She follows his eyes and they, much to her surprise land on Enzo. She presumed she was wrong and he was glaring at someone else.

"Harry, Ron what are you two doing here?" she catches both their attention. " I thought you had left."

Harry who was looking away looks at her. She looks different. Her dress most definitely stood out from any other girls. It was black which she probably wore to make a point, with narrow white lens stars going down through it. An embroidery snowflake hung from the left side, and stopped just below her neck. His eyes trailed down to her wrist where the bracelet hung.

Aurora looks at Harry waiting for him to say something. . .but he doesn't.

She shouldn't be upset. She had gotten so many compliments tonight.

" Er you look nicer than usual." Harry blurts out.

"Wow. . thanks," Aurora says, her face flattering in disappointment. "That's what every girl wants. . . .to look nicer than usual."

Harry realizes how that sounded and goes to speak only for a voice to interrupt.

"Harry! Would you like to dance?"

Aurora, quite possibly gives Cho Chang the worst glare possible.

Harry tore his eyes away from Aurora and blustered out;

" Oh er no thanks Cho."

Cho seemed rather taken back by this as she gave him a look, "Oh alright. I'll see you later."

Aurora, found herself frowning when she noticed that Harry had watched Cho walk away.

"Hot isn't it?" Hermione interrupted looking back to where Victor was once standing, "Viktor's gone to go get us drinks, would you care to join us?"

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