Chapter 24: A Christmas full of hugs... it's a Mcclain thing.

Start from the beginning

And his abuela will be here too! He has missed her so much. When he lived on Cuba he would see her almost every day. But now he can only talk to her over the phone, or if somebody helps her with video chat.

But today he can finally see them. All of them. Nobody called off so everyone will be there.

Lance walks downstairs and is greeted by his mom cleaning everything.. he knows now what he will be forced to do after he has had breakfast. His father and siblings except Mia are cleaning as well. Mia is just playing with some toys in a corner, and his mom barricaded her so she wouldn't make a mess of the just cleaned room.

"There you are! Lance don't you know what day it is! You should help us clean not sleep!" His mother throws a couple cleaning products at him and Lance catches them.

"Can't I eat something first?"

"Fine but quickly!"

"Okay okay.."

Lance walks to the kitchen, Dylan is cleaning there. He could 'accidentally' make a mess of the kitchen while making breakfast. But he's not that mean.. so he just greets him with a smile.
"Hey Dylan good morning."

But Dylan ignores him..

"Dylan.. hellllooo I said good morning.."

"Good morning.." Is all Dylan says back as he continues cleaning. He's probably just cranky he had to go out of bed early.

Lance goes through Dylan's hair with his hand "Morning sleepyhead. I'm excited for today and you?"

But Dylan walks away avoiding to have Lance's hand on his head any longer. And he doesn't answer Lance's question. Dylan just walks out of the room.

Yeah Dylan is not a morning person.


After a long time cleaning and a long time in the car they are now waiting at the airport for the family to arrive. Not all of them are on the same plane, but luckily the planes are not that much time apart.

Lance sits against the the wall. His mom dumped his sister on him and went to get coffee. It's a bit crowded here so it will take a while before she's back. But what do you expect, tommorow is Christmas.
"Au! Mia that's my hair."

"Sowwy Lancy."

Lance smiles. "It's okay Mia.. are you excited to see Marco and Veronica?"

"Yeeeess! los extrañé mucho."

"I missed then too. What if when we see them you run up to them and hug them? I think they will love that Mia."

"I missed Veronica the most! Only boys home now." Mia pouts.

Lance laughs a bit.
"Hey boy's aren't that bad right?"

"But Veronica does my hair!"

Lance let's out a fake gasp.
"I can do your hair!"

Luis walks towards his brother and little sister fighting about who can do Mia's hair better. "Lance you can do my hair!"

Lance looks at Luis.
"I would love to Luis. But you have short hair so I won't be able to do something with it."

Luis frowns.

Mia's eyes light up.
"Lancy Lancy!! Prince Keith has long hair!"

"Maybe you can be his royal stylist!"

Just thinking about playing with Keith's hair makes him excited. It may be a bit out of fashion but it looks good on him. Maybe he can braid it a little bit, or put it in a ponytail.
"Good idea Luis. We will ask him tomorrow if I can be his stylist."

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