Chapter Sixteen

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Sam's POV
"I can't take this anymore!" Gabe yelled, causing a few kids to look over at him. Sam and Gabe were sitting on a park bench a d Gabe was currently having a crisis. Ever since Dean and Cas got together it's been non-stop staring and a bunch of sappy compliments. It was driving both Sam and Gabe crazy, but Sam could control himself better than Gabe.

"It has been a whole WEEK of stupid phone calls and stupid staring and stupid lovey-dovey sappy crap!" Sam rolled his eyes, but he knew exactly how Gabe felt. Every day Dean would either be texting or calling Cas. Sam turned to Gabe and saw him repeatedly running his hands through his hair.

"Hey, you can come over to my place. Dean and Cas are going out on a date so we won't have to put up with their constant staring." Sam offered. Gabe brought his hands down and rested them on his lap. He huffed out a breath and turned to Sam.

"Alright. I'll just tell Micheal that I'm going to a friends house."

"What about Naomi?" Sam asked.

"Naomi's not here. She went to Chicago to help our cousin Balthazar. He has a drinking problem."

"You have a weird family." Sam said laughing.

"That is a major understatement." Gabe replied. He stood up and Sam did the same. They started walking to Sam's house and discussed what prank they should pull next. By the time they got to the house, Cas and Dean were walking to the Impala together, hand-in-hand. Sam smiled, glad that his brother was happy.

The Impala drove off and Sam lead Gabe to his room. Gabe went straight to the bed and flopped down. Sam sat next to him.

"So Samwich, where's your dad?  You don't really talk about him much." Gabe asked.

"Um, my dads on a business trip. He usually leaves for a few weeks."

"What does he do?"

"I don't know. He never told me or Dean. When I asked him he got annoyed so I stopped asking." Gabe nodded and sat up.

"I want to do something."

"Okay, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. It's your house."

"Yeah, but your the guest." Sam said smirking. Gabe sighed.

"Fine. I'll just look up things to do." Gabe took out his phone and started typing.

"Okay, it says to play Truth or Dare. You wanna play?"

"Sure." Gabe and Sam got off the bed and sat on the floor facing eachother.

"Alright Sammy, truth or dare?"


"Oh come on Sam, live a little."

"No, I don't trust you. I'm picking truth."

"That's probably best. Anyway, do you... have a crush on anyone?" Gabe asked. Sam huffed and hung his head, trying to hide his blush. Gabe let out an obviously fake gasp.

"So you do have a crush on someone. Who is it?"

"No. You already asked me a question. It's my turn now." Gabe rolled his eyes.


"Okay, truth or-"

"Dare!" Gabe exclaimed. Sam rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. He then grinned when he thought of a dare.

"I dare you to prank call Cas." Sam said. Gabe started grinning.

"I need your phone."

"No, use your own."

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