Chapter Eight

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Dean's POV
When Dean and Sam got home they saw their dad sitting on the same couch he was previously sleeping on, watching TV and a new beer bottle in his hand. He didn't even glance at his two sons when they came in. Dean carried the groceries into the kitchen and started unpacking the bags. Sam walked into the living room to John. He looked away from the screen and smiled slightly when he saw Sam.

"Hey Sammy. How was school?" he asked, only giving Sam half of his attention.

"It was good, the classes were good, the teachers were nice, oh and I made a friend." Sam said, waiting for his dad to respond. John kept looking at the TV screen until he remembered that Sam was talking to him.

"That's great Sam. Good for you. Now Dean, why can't you be more like your brother? He is actually trying to have a social life when you just stay shut up in your room." John said, now turning to look at Dean in the kitchen. Dean tried to hold in his anger and respond calmly. Starting a fight with his dad never ended well for him.

"Actually, I did make a friend today." Dean said, just barely keeping his anger under control. John turned fully around to look at Dean. His eyebrows shot up.

"You actually made a friend? Well I'll be damned. Who is it?"

"Castiel Novak. He lives next door." John nodded and returned his attention to the TV. Sam made his way over to his brother to help unpack the rest of the groceries. He was about to go to his room to study more when Dean called out to him.

"Sam, can I borrow your book on angels for a bit?" Sam looked at Dean with confusion clear on his face.

"Why do you want it? You never read. Unless it's about cars." Dean sighed.

"Look, I just need to look something up. I'll give it back, don't worry." Sam stared at him a little longer, most likely trying to figure out why Dean would want his book, but eventually gave up and went to his room to find it. He came back a few minutes later with the book and handed it to Dean.

"Thanks." Dean said. Sam shrugged, muttering a "Whatever" before going back into his room. Dean went into his room after putting all of the groceries away and started flipping through the book. He had flipped through 56 pages before coming across a chapter called "Common Angel Names". Dean breathed out a quiet "yes" before scanning through the chapter. After a bit of looking he found the name he was looking for. Castiel was printed clear on the page. Dean started reading the words next to it. It said that Castiel meant Shield Of God and was the Angel of Thursday. Dean was about to close the book, since he found what he was looking for, when another name stuck out to him. Gabriel was also printed on the page. It said that Gabriel was an archangel. Wow, Cas told me that his family was religious, but he never mentioned that his family was named after angels. Dean closed the book and went to Sam's room. He opened the door and threw the book on Sam's bed.

Exasperated, Sam asked, "Dean, how many times to I have to tell you to knock?"

"Until it sticks Sammy, until it sticks." Dean replied with a smirk and a wink. Sam scoffed at him and slammed the door in his face. Dean chuckled and returned to his room. He sat on his bed and looked out of his window. His bedroom was facing the side of his neighbors house. It was actually facing a window to a bedroom. Dean wondered who's bedroom it was, not that that sounded creepy at all. The light suddenly turned on in the room and Dean quickly turned away from his window. He didn't want them to think he was stalking them. He glanced out of his window, hoping to at least get a glimpse of the person when he saw a flash of messy black hair and a tan trenchcoat. No way. His room was facing Castiel's. This is the most cliché thing ever. Dean waved his hand around in the air, trying to get Cas's attention. It didn't seem to work. Well, since that didn't work he has to think of something else.

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