Chapter Nine

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Cas's POV
Dean snuck back to his house after about half an hour. It was getting pretty late now. He said that he had to go back before anyone noticed he was gone. When he left Cas shuffled through hus drawers until he found his drawing pencils. Cas started sketching in his sketch pad, not really knowing what he was making, until his phone started ringing. He put down his pencils and walked over to his bed to pick up his phone. It was an unknown number. He decided to answer it anyway to tell them they had the wrong person.


"Hello, is this the guy with sexy black hair, a tan trenchcoat, and overly religious family members?"

Cas froze. How does this guy know this about him?

"Um, who is this?"

"Look out your window."

Now he got really freaked out. Was there a stalker standing right outside his window? He cautiously made his way towards his window and looked out. He didn't see any creepy stalkers. He then saw movement coming from Dean's room and a few seconds later he realized it was Dean calling him.

"Dean, how did you get my number?"

"Well, when I was in your room I saw your phone and I put your number in my phone. I wanted to prank you, did it work?" Cas looked at Dean through his window and nodded his head. Dean started laughing.

"I thought you were a creepy stalker, like the ones you see in scary movies." Cas said.

"You don't have to worry about stalkers. If I see anyone standing outside your window I will personally see to it that they are given a proper beating. Except me, of course. I'm allowed to come to your house at random times of the day." Cas laughed. He then heard a knocking on his door.

"Dean I have to go. My overly religious family want to talk to me. I'll see you later."

"Alright. Bye Cas."

"Bye Dean." Cas hung up. He tossed his phone on his bed before opening his door to reveal Gabriel standing in his doorway.

"What is it Gabe?" Gabriel walked into his room, closed the door, and sat on Cas's desk chair.

"Cassie, when I do come out can you be there with me? I don't want to do it alone. I think I want to do it soon. I can't keep myself hidden from them forever." Cas walked over to his brother and kneeled in front of him.

"Of course I'll be there with you. I understand why you wouldn't want to do that alone. You do understand that this may change things right?" Gabe nodded and stood up and so did Cas. They hugged and then Gabe turned to leave. Before he walked out the door he turned back to Cas.

"Thanks Cas."

"No problem Gabe." Gabe then walked out of the door. Cas went to look through his window to see if Dean was still there, but he wasn't. Cas then returned to his sketch pad.

Dean's POV
After Cas hung up, Dean walked out of his room and into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer. He was about to open it when his father came in. Dean tensed a bit but then calmed himself. He couldn't show any fear.

"I'm going to be leaving for a few weeks. Make sure Sam does his homework and don't drink all of my beer." With that he left, not saying goodbye or sparing Dean a glance. Before he walked out the door he turned back to Dean and said,

"Tell Sam I said bye." Dean nodded and John left. Dean heard his dad's motorcycle start and drive off. Dean was still standing in the kitchen, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself. It wasn't working. He walked over to Sam's room and opened the door.

"Dad just left. He told me to tell you that he says bye." Sam's face fell.

"Okay. Thanks Dean." Sam said. Dean nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. He returned to his room and laid down in his bed. He didn't feel like doing anything else right now so he decided to go to sleep.


Dean woke up to his alarm clock blaring in his ears. He groaned and rolled out of bed. When he got up he turned off his alarm clock and started getting ready for the day. He took a quick shower and changed his clothes before going to Sam's room and banging on his door.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" Dean yelled. He could hear Sam groan and was soon face to face with a very tired looking moose.

"Leave. Me. Alone." Sam said, then closed the door in Dean's face.

"Nice to see you too Sammy." Dean muttered to himself. He walked into the kitchen and made breakfast for Sam. He grabbed a peice of bread and put it in the toaster for himself. When Sam finally got out of his room there was a plate with scrambled eggs, toast, and sausage. When they were done eating Dean cleaned Sam's plate and they went off to school.

Dean dropped Sam off and saw Gabriel standing there waiting for him. Sam smiled at his friend and they walked into the school together. When he arrived at the high school he saw Cas waiting for him. Dean got out of his Baby and started making his way to his friend.

"Hey Cas." Dean said smiling.

"Hello Dean. I saw someone drive off on a motorcycle yesterday. Was that your dad?" Cas asked. Dean nodded his head.  His smile dropped. Cas seemed to notice.

"I'm sorry if it is a touchy subject. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to." Dean had a small smile on his face.

"No it's alright Cas. My dad and I don't have the best relationship. He always thought of Sam as the good son and me as a sorry excuse for one. He is more like a drill sergeant to me and I'm his good little soldier boy. Doing what I'm told and never talking back." When Dean finishes he doesn't have his smile anymore. It's replaced with sadness. Cas pulled Dean into a hug.

"You aren't just a soldier Dean. You are smart, kind, and a great older brother for Sam. You protect him and make sure he is keeping up in his studies. You are also a great friend. You actually gave me a chance when everyone else does even give me two seconds of their time." Dean smiled down at his friend. He was so lucky to have Cas in his life. When things get bad at home he knows he can go to Cas.

Cas's POV
When Cas finished talking Dean smiled at him.

"Thanks Cas." he says.

"Any time Dean." Dean takes Cas's hand and they walk into the prison that is school together.

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