Chapter #2: At Hellsing HQ

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        That same night…

        Darkness descended over the streets of London, a blood moon watched over the clueless people who dared to go out at night. The air was clear, a slight breeze blew through the trees moving their leaves in a rhythmic pattern...

        It was the perfect night for a hunt... Too bad he couldn't do that anymore. He was bound to the same blood that had defeated him all those years ago, the same blood he despised and respected so much at the same time.

        He was no longer free to do as he wished.

        Oh, how he wanted to feel it once again: to sink his fangs into soft warm flesh and rejoice on the feeling of the hot sweet liquid running down his throat, and bathe on the fear that the eyes of his prey would show. His throat began to ache at the thought, and the fact that he was stuck with these plastic bags made his blood boil. He gripped the arms of the antique throne and dug his nails in it, gritting his teeth. He could do nothing about it.

        The thrill of the battle was gone, seeing as the enemies were no longer worth it, not even that blond pathetic idiot who deemed himself so powerful, and he was but a puppet on the hands of a human from that cursed bloodline.

        Ah...But, what an interesting human his master was: so fun to tease. The raven-haired man snorted, crossing his legs and leaning forward, resting his head on his left hand, a tired expression on his face.

        And there was also his new fledgling, the police girl. She was entertaining enough, but at the end she had come out to be just as disappointing as everything else: she didn't even drink blood.

        His features changed, a deep frown marring his face now.

        He needed action, some source of entertaining to keep him busy, but, no matter what he did or how many things he killed, he still felt bored.

        His thoughts were interrupted by his master's call, there was a new mission.

        "Police girl, wake up. We have work to do".


        Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing was a powerful and intelligent woman. She was a force to be reckoned with and not someone to be taken for granted. She was standing in her office, puffing the smoke of her third cigar that afternoon towards the open window, from where you could see the faint spark of a star.

        To say the leader of Hellsing was angry was an understatement. She was beyond furious. Not only had her pet vampire decided it would be fun to disobey her, but the Vatican had chosen that moment to rub in all her faults and to "kindly" remind her she wasn't apt to lead the organization, and that Hellsing was a danger not only to London, but to the whole world as well.

        And to add insult to injury, she now had to care for another vampire who refused to drink blood, a decrease of the Hellsing Staff due to the Valentine's attack, and the cleaning of the whole mansion because of that dreadful attack! She was angry, angry and tired.

        The vampire attacks hadn't ceased a bit, and now the fucking Nazis were involved as well. Sometimes she wished she had some free time. She really needed a vacation.

        Pinching the sides of her nose with her fingers, lifting her oversized round glasses, she sat down on the big chair behind her desk. She took a minute to relax herself and to take a deep breath, and she clicked the button of her phone, calling Walter. She needed tea.

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