Chapter #5 Welcome to Hellsing part 2: Meeting the crew

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       The first shot hit the wall next to her, breaking a vase and scaring the shit out of the Spaniard. Brown eyes started searching frenetically for a way out of that place when the next bullet collided with her shoulder, just a few inches from her heart. The girl cried out in pain and shock, blood pouring from the newly open wound as she tried to cover it with her right hand. She stepped back, slipping with a piece of the broken vase and falling to the ground, luckily avoiding a direct hit aimed at her head. Once on the floor, she crawled backwards until her back reached the opposite wall and tried to stand up as fast as she could using only her left hand.

        Although she did her best with her good arm, the mixture of water and blood that now covered the floor and the slowly bleeding shoulder kept her from fully standing up.

        "That's it, there is no way I will survive this crazy people. To hell with it! If I'm going to die, I will die with my head high". She was about to give them her best angry glare when yet another bullet flew close to her left cheek, brushing it. It passed her and lost itself in the dark hallway with a low whistle.

        She was still for a moment; watching the projectile as it did that, with her mouth hanging open, angry glare gone.

        "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck… I've changed my mind, holy shit! I don't want to die!." Involuntary tears fell from her eyes as she reached her breaking point.

        "Stop fooling around and kill it already." The oldest of the soldiers shouted. Seconds later, a young-looking man came into view from the group with a big gun she didn't recognize in his hands. His dark brown hair was messy and his stern green eyes told he was not someone to mess with. "Look vampire, I don't know how you managed to enter this place but you are a fool if you think that you will leave it alive. We are Hellsing soldiers and our job is to kill monsters like you. Now prepare to die!"

        "A vampire… Wait, who? Me? No, no no no no, you are mistaken. I'm-"

        "Shut up!"

        He was raising the weapon when a loud explosion from the basement shook the whole mansion and made him drop it. She took that moment to spin around as fast as her sore legs allowed her, tripping several times before reaching the first corner in the long corridor, which would lead her, fortunately, to her salvation.


        In the basement...

        "I'm tired of being reprimanded because of my errors. Every time I try to help, it only ends up in catastrophe." A young-looking blonde vampire sat on the floor of her bedroom, with her back pressed against the side of her coffin, head hanged low looking at the floor and tears threatening to spill in her eyes. "I wonder if I made the right decision." She said while picking an old photograph from her Hellsing uniform.

        It was a picture of her with all her later comrades. They were all smiling and laughing because she had done something wrong again and her old captain was rubbing her hair, making her frown. Tiny lips formed a sad smile at the memory.

        "Guys…" The young Draculina clenched the piece of paper to her chest as the first tear escaped.

        It was then when the high-pitched tone of the phone rang, breaking the silence. Seras jumped at the sound and quickly got up from her fetal position on the floor to pick it up. Her throat went dry and the device almost dropped from her hands when she heard the news of a vampire attack in the mansion.

        "Another one?!" She bit her lower lip, deep in thought, and took her Harkonnen, making sure it was loaded. She was heading for the exit when she stopped abruptly, remembering the girl from the other night. "That's right… That poor girl. I have to save her." Seras, cannon and ammunition in hand, used her new vampire powers to break down the door with her boot, and without losing any more time, she run towards the room she remembered she had put her in before.

HELLSING: A trip between two worldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora