Chapter #6: Interview with the vampire king

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Hey! Väl Apple here! I'm really sorry for the delay :'( please don't hate me, hate the highschool and its useless exams. Anyways, this is chapter 6. I hope you like it as much as the previous ones :3 As always, I don't own anything, everything belongs to Kohta Hirano. Please review and favourite and follow, but above all of that, enjoy.

"Buenas noches, Alucard" She said out of fear, excitement and breath.

The cold hand felt tight around her neck and she could easily feel the long, pointed and probably very sharp nails of the vampire digging into her already bruised skin through the white cloth of the too familiar gloves. "That sure will leave a mark" The silver gun, on the other hand, was firmly pressed against her skull, making it bleed even more

"Fucking, stupid, sadistic, sexy bastard" She thought looking straight at his somehow different red eyes. The pupils had become slits and their deep crimson color was shining in the dark with what she could only describe as dancing flames. Weird, she did remember well this specific character from both the anime and the original manga and she was pretty sure they weren't so...alive? Then again, maybe it was just the lack of oxygen and the contusion she probably had.

Too deep in her own thoughts she didn't notice those same eyes coming closer to her face and neck, too close for comfort. She did notice though the hot, wet appendage travelling up her left cheek at a very disturbing slow pace. Shivers run down her spine as she tried to push him back unsuccessfully. However, she quickly removed her hands, scared, when a deep rumble came out of his chest. Curiosity replaced her fright when she realized he had been purring the whole time! Gun now forgotten at his side, the vampire stepped back a few inches, licking his lips clean of any blood left while watching intently the path the new trail of fresh blood coming from her wound made.

"So sweet..." He said in a low husky voice. The girl, on the other hand, hadn't moved a bit from her position against the tree, too shocked and too tired to do so "I don't know if I should feel hungry or horny right now". They stood like that for two minutes, just staring at each other although she could tell her odd companion was tense, and no wonder why. She didn't need her glasses to see that bloodlust was painted all over his features. Had she done a movement then, she was sure he would have jumped fangs first.

"Shit, what now?" She frantically searched for a possible way for her to escape her imminent death, thing that seems she had been doing quite a lot lately, but now it was different. There was no way in hell she could possibly outrun HIM. Although death by sexy vampire wasn't that bad after all...

"THERE!" Right in front of her blurry sight, close enough for the girl to reach it in two strides, was a door. A perfectly situated and perfectly open door. If there was a soundtrack for her life, holy music would be playing in the background. Now, the only thing she had to do was run as if her life depended on it, which indeed it did.

Gathering all her courage, if she had some left, she took the opportunity and made a run for it, taking advantage of the dazed state of the No life King. However, she had been right before, as soon as she moved red eyes fixed in her. Reddish black tendrils emerged from everywhere, tangling themselves on the teen's ankles and legs, slowing her and keeping her in place, making her fall forward on the ground with a thud. She quickly turned around, ignoring the pain and tried to get free of...Whatever those things were. From the corner of her eye she could see him coming closer with each step he took "At least he's taking it calmly" She thought bitterly as her hands passed through the shadows once more "fuck, fuck, fuck" She kept fiddling with her strange "ties" while checking on her current murderous stalker who was so much closer now, arms open wide and fangs shining in that stupid grin of his! She was starting to hyperventilate and the damn things hadn't moved a bit yet!

HELLSING: A trip between two worldsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant