Yuks belajar!

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Hai ceman semua!

Selamat berakhir pekan...

Kali ini, aku akan memberikan beberapa soal lagi nih untuk kalian...

Silahkan kalian jawab dengan keyakinan masing-masing ya hehe...

1. Risma and Ani ___ meatball yesterday.
a. Eat
b. Eaten
c. Eats
d. Ate

2. Jacob is ___ because he is older than me.
a. My young sister
b. My young brother
c. My old sister
d. My old brother

3. Dania, Robert and I ___ to Bandung.
a. is going
b. are going
c. was going
d. were going

4. Since he ___ five years old, I can ride a bicycle.
a. were
b. was
c. is
d. am

5. Which is the false sentence below?
a. I can ride your bicycle.
b. Cecil and Brian will come to your party.
c. My mom is the best mom in the world.
d. Lena make a nice poem in the class.

Yuks dijawab, jangan mencontek ya hehe... Belum tentu orang lain benar dan belum tentu kalian salah, begitu juga sebaliknya 😂😂😂

Kalian jawab dulu aja, nanti akan aku update jawaban di bab selanjutnya...

Thank you so much
Have a great weekend guys!

Thank you so muchHave a great weekend guys!

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Sabtu, 28 Juli 2018

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