Chapter 33

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Noelle's P.O.V  

Oliver tightens his grip on me as we slowly turn to face the familiar voice. Caden is in handcuffs with an officer standing behind him.

"Caden." He smiles and Oliver slightly places himself in front of me off to the side. Caden sees me and starts laughing.

"She's got you wrapped around her little finger." He snarls. 

"He's protecting me from jerks like you." I fire back as Oliver pulls me towards the door.

"You know there's no way you can put me away!" He yells and Oliver pulls a rattled myself towards the truck. Chip sees me and runs over to me, Oliver letting go as Chip throws his arms around me and spins me around. 

"I hate being away from you." He says, still spinning me around.

"Me too." I mumble and he sets me down on my feet before kissing me on the lips. 

"What's wrong, love?" He asks, slipping his hand into mine. I look at Oliver and he nods, automatically knowing what I mean. 

"It's nothing." I try to put a smile on my face, but it's impossible when your ex-boyfriend threatens you. I let go of Chip to give Oliver a hug. "Thank you." I whisper in his ear.

"Anytime you need someone who won't beat the living crap out of someone, give me a call." He smiles and I give him a kiss on the cheek before Chip decides whether or not to kill the guy. We load up and we drive back to Chip's house. We pull up and Chip is over at my side of the truck and I look at him funny.

"What?" I say, trying to stand my ground but I end up in a smile. 

"I want to help you and all things considered." He says, holding his arms out and I give in. He puts both hands on my waist and has a firm grip, I place my hands on his shoulder and without breaking eye contact, he lifts me out of the truck and onto the ground. 

"Feel better?" I smirk and he laughs, a happiness inside of me because I made him laugh. 

"Okay lovebirds, get a room." Nick says, chucking with the guys and I laugh.

"Real funny you guys." I reply and we walk inside the house. We're the last ones inside and once I  shut the door, Chip pushes me gently against the wall and then traps me between his arms. His baby blue eyes are shining intensely into my blue eyes. 

"Remember what I was saying before you went under again?" He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine. 

"No. Please enlighten me?" I whisper back and he smirks before placing his lips against mine. My hands land on his shoulders to keep myself upright as I kiss him back with more intensity. We pull apart and he kisses my forehead. "So, is that what you wanted me to know?" I smirk and he returns it.

"That should explain how I feel about you." He says. I pull his head down and fire back with my own.

"Likewise." I smirk and then he wraps his arms around me to pull me closer to him. "In the midst of all this, we still haven't gone out on a date yet." 

"Shoot, you're right." He kisses me on the lips and then decides that Danny should take me home so that this can be an official date. Danny nods and then after grabbing my stuff, Chip kisses me on the lips as I walk towards Danny's truck. 

"Noelle, are you sure you're okay?" He asks as we pull out towards home.

"Please don't tell Chip or else he will find a way to kill Caden." I whisper and his fingers tighten on the steering wheel, but he doesn't let the fact appear on the surface.

"What happened?" 

"Caden thinks i'm not able to put him away." I say and Danny takes a hand off the steering wheel and grab my hand with it.

"No ones going to hurt you, not this time." We pull up to the house and he helps me out of the cab and walk towards the house. The door opens and my frantic mom runs through the doorway, throwing her arms around me. 

"Son of a gun." I hiss and my mom stops and pulls back to look me in the eyes.

"What happened?" I glance at Danny to come up with something.

"She fell down some stairs at school." 

'Smooth big brother, smooth.'

"Oh my, dear let's get you inside and resting." My mom grabs my hand and pulls me away from Danny, who tries to follow. He shuts the door and my dad is sitting at the dining table, staring at my brother and I. Danny stands next to me, grabbing my hand as my mom sits down next to my dad. 

"Is this some kind of joke?" Danny sneers, tightening his grip on my hand. 

"No, actually we want to know why you frame Caden for your 'accident'?" My dad replies, earning a glare from me then I remember.

'Caden has them wrapped around his finger.'

"Danny, can you help me upstairs. Mom, dad, I would like to continue this tomorrow." I turn away from the table and towards the stairs. Danny follows and assists me if needed as I walk into my room and flop down on my bed. "This sucks. My own parents don't believe me." Danny sits down on the bed next to me and wraps his arms around me.

"No one is letting you get hurt again." I lay my head on his chest before excusing myself and walking into the bathroom. I shut the door and gently pull up my shirt to see bruises covering my skin. 

'No wonder it hurts to move.'

I sigh, then lower the shirt and walk back into my room where Danny is on his phone.

"Our parents think that it's all made up and Caden is not to blame." He nods and then hangs up the phone.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, taking my seat next to him.

"Yep, just that our parents don't want you to leave the house."

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