Chapter 22

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Noelle's P.O.V  

I have never been so freaked out when I heard those words. 

"Guys, we have company." Nick says and Chip pulls me up and towards the window and I see Caden's truck drive towards us. They park next to Chip's truck and out pops Caden, Noah, Brooklyn, and Danny.

"This cannot be happening." I mutter under my breath and hide my face in my hands. I never felt so embarrassed because I look to see Caden and he doesn't look like a happy camper. I go open the front door and step out, feeling the presence of the guys behind me. 

"What the hell are you doing here and how did you find his house?" I stand my ground, crossing my arms as Caden stands in front of me, glaring at me. Danny is off to the side, making sure no fists are thrown. 

"It's called having friends who owe you favors." I glare at him, trying so hard not to kick his butt.

"YOU HAD SOMEONE TRACK MY PHONE!!!!" I scream at him, the anger raging through my body. I walk up to him, pointing a finger in his face. "I'm not yours anymore, Chip cares about me more than you ever did. He never danced around with a tramp and is protective of me, but not possessive." I say to him, venom lacing my voice as all my anger comes out. I feel two sets of arms pull me back, away from Caden. 

"Noelle, why are you saying that? Caden has been nothing but kind to you. You are the one who's being a bit of a bitch to him." That comment by Brooklyn really pierced through my heart. 

"I'm so done with you guys. You guys have been nothing but have been against me being with Chip." 

"I've been nothing but supportive. Are you serious going to throw away our friendship over a guy?" Brooklyn sneers. Noah comes up next to Brooklyn and wraps his arm around her waist. 

"As a matter of fact, I am. Good bye and stay out of my life." I turn around and walk straight into the house. I make it into the doorway and then collapse onto the ground in tears. 

"Could I get a ride back with you guys? I can tell Caden was giving me the death stare." I hear Danny ask and that's really all I hear. I stand up to move over to the couch when Chip's mom appears, leaning against the doorway.

"I'm sorry. I'm not normally like this, all emotional and such." I whisper after sniffling and getting the crying under control. She comes over and holds my hands in hers and I look into her eyes.

"My darling. Best friends are supposed to support you in whatever decisions you make." 

"My parents want me to date Caden, but I can't. I feel like if we never became a couple, then we would still be friends, but then I wouldn't have met Chip or his two buddies." She nods in agreement and then stands up, offering a hand to me.

"Come on, I'll make you some tea." I nod, then standing up to follow her into the kitchen. She gets water from the tap and then puts it into an electric kettle to boil. Once she starts that, she opens the cabinet for the tea bags and then looks at me. "What flavor?"

"Peppermint please." I say, stepping forward to help her out, but she just shakes her head and I back off. The timer for the water goes off and she dumps the water into two mugs with tea bags so they can seep. 

"I can see it in his eyes. When you were dealing with Caden on the phone, his whole body just stiffened and I have never seen him like that, even with Sabrina." I look at her, tilting my head.

"Sabrina?" I ask as she passes me my tea, which I mumble a thank you. We sit down at the dining room table and I wrap my fingers around the mug as it sits on the table. 

"She was Chip's girlfriend back in 8th grade, shortly after that picture was taken that's hanging up in the living room. You would have to ask him yourself though." I nod and take a drink of my tea and look out to the guys congregating over the current situation. 

"Thank you." I say, picking up my mug and walking outside. All four pairs of eyes look at me and I suddenly have this feeling to slide back into the house, except I can't. "What's the plan guys?" 

"I honestly have no idea." Trent says, facial expression showing he's confused as any of us.

"I don't get it." Then all the memories starting coming back to me. Me shopping in Rue 21 while he was chatting up a girl, the sudden possessiveness over me being with Chip and then what I thought were my best friends turned on me. I feel the mug slip out of my hands, but it doesn't hit the pavement.

"Love, what is it?" Chip says, removing the mug from my hands and moving me to a nearby chair.

"It's his insecurity." I say at last. The guys share looks and Danny sits down next to me.

"How so?" 

"It's that since he saw me with Scott, he's worried that I can't do better than him, but to turn my best friends against me. It's hard to explain." I sigh and my tea mug ends up in front of me, which I gladly accept and take a sip of the now decent temperature drink. I drink it quickly so it doesn't go cold on me. 

"I'll take that inside." Trent says, grabbing the mug and talks through the door. We decide on chinese food for dinner so we pile up into the truck, Chip in the drivers seat, Nick riding shotgun, and the rest of us in the back. 

"Danny, i'm sorry about all the crap I caused with you and Caden." He shakes his head as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"No need to worry. He definitely is insecure." I rest my head on his shoulder and rest my eyes for the rest of the drive.

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