Chapter 13

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Noelle's P.O.V  

Caden is holding hands with a blonde girl who looks like Emily. 

"Oh my, I'm so happy you considered me instead of her." That was indeed the voice of Emily. Caden sees me, but I speedwalk out the door, away from it all. I can't see if Caden is after me.

"Miss, are you alright?" The valet asks me.

"Yes." I start walking and I hear someone behind me. I turn and come face to face with Caden. I look over and the valet is watching us.

"Noelle please." 


"Go and leave me alone. I'm done with you." I scream at him, my tears ruining my makeup, but I don't give a damn. I start walking and I hear a car drive past, but slow down.

"This cannot be happening." I whisper and I look over and see a familiar truck. I sniffle and the truck stops, the driver side door opening. 

"Love?" Chip. He walks towards me and I hide my face, but he caught it before I could hide my face. "Noelle, what happened?" I start crying and instinctively walk into his arms, crying on his shoulder.

"I wanna go home." I sob into his shirt and he rubs my back.

"Okay love." I remove myself from him as he guides me towards the truck. He opens the door and helps me up, waiting until I'm situated for him to shut the door and walks around to the driver side. I take my heels off and start shivering. Chip turns on the heat and grabs a blanket from the backseat. I smile at him and wrap it around myself, tucking my feet up under me. We drive off and I flip down the sun visor for the mirror and I gasp at the reflection of myself. I look like a raccoon, mascara around my eyes and the eyes that were happy were now empty and full of sadness. 

"I look like complete crap." I whisper laugh at myself. We pull up to my house and Chip jumps out to head over to my side and opens the door. 

"Come on, I'll carry you." He says, holding his arms out.

"I would take you up on that offer, but I got two legs and can walk." I reply, grabbing my things before getting out of the car, but I lose my balance and fall into Chip's arms.

"Whoa. Easy there princess." He chuckles and cradles me into his chest.

"Ah uh thanks." I say, but realizing he isn't going to put me down. He shuts the door and carries me to the front door, but the door opens and in the doorway stands my big brother, who isn't very happy. We move up to the front porch and the look on Danny's face could kill someone. 

"What happened to my little sis?" Danny angrily says. Chip moves me to the couch and sets me down on it. I grab the blanket from the back of the couch and wrap it around myself. Danny wraps his arms around me as he sits down next to me.

"I came out of the bathroom and he was talking with Emily. I overheard her saying that she was thankful I was out of the picture." I cry on Danny's shoulder and I can see Chip fighting with himself. I grab the box of tissues and wipe my face off and then make my way to Chip. He looks at me and I put my hands on his arms to calm him down.

"Chip, I don't know how I can repay you for being there when you were, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart." I wrap my arms around him and he returns it, me leaning my head on his chest.

"Let's just say I was in the right place at the right time." He whispers, kissing my forehead. I felt at home in his arms, safe.

"Please don't hurt Caden though. He already has enough crap from Danny he has to endure."

"Love, I can't make promises saying that I won't hurt him, but I will try to sustain myself from doing so."

"Thank you." I look up to see him already looking at me and I drown in his baby blue eyes. I hear Danny clear his throat and I snap out of my trance and look away while Chip does the same.  "Sorry, I should go get ready. Good night Danny." I give him a kiss on the cheek, followed by a hug. 

"Good night Noelle. Sleep well." Danny says.

"Good night Chip." I also give him a kiss on the cheek and make my way upstairs to my room. I set my purse down on my desk and plug my phone in to charge. Then I grab my clothes and head into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I wipe the makeup off my face and take my hair out of the updo before hoping in the shower. The hot water washes away the pain from the evening, but soon memories appear and I start crying. I slip and hit my head on the edge of the bathtub.

"Noelle!" Chip screams and bangs on the bathroom door. When I don't answer, he kicks the door down and looks around frantically and I lose consciousness just as Chip turns the water off and he grabs a towel to wrap around me. 

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