Chapter 12

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One month later

One month since Caden and I have been dating. I've had my suspicions, but every time, one of them would convince me that it's just Caden's sister. 

"Darling, you look beautiful." My mom says from the doorway into my room. I'm wearing the dress I got and it fits perfectly, accenting my curves and super comfortable to wear. My brown hair is up in a fancy updo, enough make-up on my face to keep it looking natural all while accenting my hazel eyes, and my new favorite strappy shoes. My mom stands behind me and looks at me in the mirror. "You look absolutely stunning. Caden is one very lucky man." 

"Thanks mom." I say, turning around to give her a hug. The doorbell rings and I hear my dad and Caden talking downstairs. 

"Ready sis?" Danny says from the hallway. He's wearing a simple button up shirt with a pair of his nice blue jeans and nice shoes.

"My, Danny are you going somewhere?" I reply, smiling.

"My little sister is going on her first date. I at least want to give a good impression when I walk you towards your date for the evening." I grab my handbag and put my phone, keys, money, and a small thing of lipstick before putting it on my shoulder and walking out to meet Danny. He offers me his arm and I take it.

"You look stunning." My brother whispers in my ear.

"Thank you D." We walk down the stairs and I see Caden in a black suit with a white undershirt and blue tie. He looks up and smiles. Danny walks me down the rest of the steps and he hands me to Caden. 

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight." 

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." I reply back. 

"Okay kids. Stay safe, but also have fun." My dad says. I give him a hug and then Caden turns around to open the door for me. 

"Love you guys." I say, waving to my family as Caden shuts the door. We walk towards his truck and he opens the passenger side door for me, helps me up, and then waits to make sure I'm buckled before shutting the door and walking over to the driver side door.  He starts the truck and Tell A Country Boy by Rodney Atkins comes on the radio and immediately start singing along. Caden is laughing as we're driving towards Italian Cottage. We pull up and there was a valet waiting for us. Caden parks the truck and the valet opens the door and helps me out of the truck. "Thank you sir."

"Anytime madam." Caden waits for me at the front of the truck and after he passes his keys to the valet, he offers his arm to me as we walk inside. The decor was astonishing and gorgeous, wood carvings along the ceiling, and there is just no words to explain it. I quickly look for quiet ways to get out if I do end up in a jam. 

"This is insane." I whisper and Caden chuckles.

"I agree." He replies.

"Table for two?" The hostess says. She already has the two menus in hand as Caden nods in agreement. We follow the lady towards our table that's in the corner, but somewhat out of the way of the restrooms. Caden pulls my chair out for me and once I sit down, he goes to push it in, but I stop him.

"I got it." I say, smiling. Sadness crosses his face, but nods in agreement before walking to his seat. The menus are set in front of us by the hostess and she goes off to help other customers. I grab the menu and begin to flip through it, shocked at the prices and suddenly feel like I shouldn't be eating here. 

"Noelle, don't worry about the prices." Caden whispers and I nod, still gonna order the cheapest thing I can find. 

"Good evening mademoiselle and monsieur, my name is Oliver and I will be your waiter for the evening. Can I get some drinks started for you?"

"Can I get a bottle of champagne please?" Caden asks and Oliver nods.

"Right away monsieur." Oliver rushes away to get the bottle and I look at Caden in shock.

"I know I shouldn't make a big deal, but I don't drink. Champagne included."

"It's a celebration." Caden argues back.

"Okay." I move my chair back to stand up. "I'm going to the ladies room." Caden nods and I grab my purse to make my way towards the restrooms. I push open the door and see two ladies fixing their makeup in front of the mirror. They see me.

"Everything okay?" One lady has a gorgeous black and white knee-length strapless dress with a pair of black heels. She has blonde hair that is also wrapped up in an elegant updo.

"I guess you can say that." I reply, moving to stand next to them. I stare at myself in the mirror, trying to figure out what the heck I'm thinking. He doesn't need to impress me.

Maybe he thinks because he screwed up during 8th grade promotion.

I still have that stupid nagging feeling.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I snap out of my trance.

"Sorry, but I don't know really how to explain it." I start, "I have a nagging feeling in my stomach about my boyfriend and usually my instincts are never wrong." I reapply my lipstick.

"Trust them. I don't know how many times my instincts have gotten me out of a jam." The other lady says then chuckles, "Sorry, we forgot to introduce ourselves, I'm Helen and this is Judy."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Noelle." I smile then realize how I just met two people in the restaurant restrooms. 


"Thank you for letting me talk it out loud." I say, putting my lipstick back in my bag.

"Not a problem. Have fun and it was nice meeting you." 

"You too." I smile as I take a few deep breaths before walking out back towards the table and what I see shocks me.

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