Updates!! (New Fic Name Omg) + Fic Song!!

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Heyaaaaa, it me with some important updates.

Before anything, this song (Khai Dreams - Fireflies) is basically the main song for the fic. I highly suggest you listen cause it's a BOP and it perfectly describes sheith. (I headcannon that this is Keith singing about Shiro.)

OhMghEe the fic has a new name??!?!!??!¡¿?!

Yeah it does dkdkdk I changed it to the name of an ACTUAL purple flower aka the Autumn Crocus. It's a deadly flower in the UK which emits a poison similar to arsenic.

I love love love love love love LOVE writing this fic like it's crazy I have so many ideas that I wanna cram into this story.

So the first bit of important news is that this fic will be changed from a short fic of around 10 chapters to a full fic! Do I know how long? Nope. Definitely at LEAST 15 chapters. PLUS some bonus chapters at the end. Aka a backstory chapter, an alternate ending, and a short smut scene about if Shiro and Keith had been left alone when they were in 7 minutes in heaven. ;o

That being said, I'm going to be working harder to make longer chapters. Maybe starting after chapter 9 which should come out soon?

I'm such a mess when it comes to writing it's crazy.

But I lost my drawing tablet pen so I won't have anything to do until I get paid and can buy a new one..(−_−;)When I find it or get a new one I'll draw a cover for the new name..

So expect longer and better quality chapters!!

Another thing, I have so many ideas flooding into my mind about this fic so expect small changes in earlier chapters.

I also thought (since people won't feel like re-reading) I'll add some lore:

Keith and Shiro were childhood friends and attended the same schools for like their entire lives. Their parents were friends so they were basically destined to be friends. Keith's parents owned a farm and Shiro's parents are wealthy, one being a doctor and one owning a business. At the age of 18 (Keith being 14), Shiro enlisted in the military. Keith, who had a giant crush on Shiro (but they weren't dating okay? Untwist your panties) obviously hated the idea but being literally in love with this man, supported basically everything he did no matter what. He also had to support him even more because his ex boyfriend (Adam) left him after Shiro left. Adam didn't want shiro to leave because of a disease he had (which he was able to be cured of because a cure was developed). Shiro left for the military and was gone for 6 years. He caught in war, even became a prisoner of war (hence why he has so many scars) in his 6th year and was severely injured by a roadside IED (Improvised Explosive Device). He ended up loosing his arm and got an expensive prosthetic one.) He decided to attend X University after finishing therapy, met his old friends again and that's where we left off.

That's just a basic backstory.

I'm sorry if you're a hardcore Shadam/Adashi shipper but in this fic they're exes. ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ

Also here's a lil info about Hanahaki in this fic cause I changed the disease up a bit.

Person A (the infected person) feels unrequited love for Person B, who appears to not reciprocate feelings for person A. Person B may feel the same but if Person A is unaware of those feelings or the feelings are unclear, the disease may develop. Hanahaki is a terminal disease. There is a cure which requires surgery. However, the feelings that Person A feels will disappear and Person A will never be able to love Person B. Ever. If left untreated, flowers will begin to bloom in the lungs. Symptoms include dizziness, tendencies to make irrational decisions, coughing, bleeding from the lungs, migraines, tendencies to pass out, and severe fatigue. Flower petals will also be regurgitated. After being diagnosed, patients typically have a week to two weeks to live unless Person B reciprocates feelings. Hanahaki is a rare disease (in this fic ofc) and infects only hundreds per year.


This is an ANGST fic. ANGST. Sad! Please read the triggers in the description of the fic! Pls..

Okay I can't think of anything else I have to say kdksksdk

Basically just expect longer chapters. I also hope the fic makes some more sense now dskdkd

Thank you so much for reading my fic, for reals. It's my first real fic and I'm so happy that people like it.

( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )~♡


Autumn Crocus // SheithWhere stories live. Discover now