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Rainy Nights

Chinese food is good. Especially egg rolls. But how were they invented? Did someone just wake up one day and said 'Hey! What if we take cabbage, pork, and other random shit, wrap it in wheat-flour and fry it in oil? We could call it an egg roll!'

That's weird. But whoever made them, Keith was eternally grateful.

Do people do that for for all things that they invent? They just wake up one day and say "I'm gonna invent this!"

Well then who invented love?

Love. An intense feeling of deep affection. Love. The seemingly light and fluffy feeling that makes people weak at the knees, gives their stomachs butterflies, makes their hearts flutter and gives guys boners. Love. The same feeling that can crush a person's soul and drive them to the edge. Love. Love. Love.

Fuck love.

Whoever that person was, fuck them too.

Love is just a chemical reaction that leads to reproduction anyways. There's no reason to slap a word on it and make it all dramatic.

Keith told himself these things.

..Well then why does his heart hurt so bad?

..it hurts.

Countless thoughts raced around Keith's head as Pidge called Hunk and Lance. It didn't take long before the two showed up at her dorm door, Lance knocking furiously.

He had finally stopped crying by the time Hunk and Lance had brought bags of takeout into Pidge's room. It was definitely not as neat as it was that morning anymore.

After just a few minutes. Pidge was on the floor, her back against the side of her bed. Keith's head was in her lap, mostly because Pidge was stroking Keith's hair as he ate his egg roll. Hunk was sprawled out on the floor in front of them and Lance was laying on Pidge's bed, his head hanging off of the side and his legs above him.

Hunk sat up.

"Ugh.. I hate takeout." He groaned, poking at his orange chicken. "It's so lumpy and chewy. The rice is so dry. I could cook something way better than this." He pouted. He sounded like a jealous child at this point. "And—"

Hunk was cut off by a green pillow colliding with his face. He made a sound similar to 'oof' and dramatically fell back down to the floor.

"I'm suuuuure you could, babe." Lance said, tired of his boyfriend's whining. This resulted in Hunk mumbling "I could." and pouting before reluctantly eating his food.

"You two are adorable." Pidge chuckled quietly.

"I know we are." Lance said, sticking his tongue out.

It was silent for a while as they all ate.

"Yknow. Dating sucks." Hunk spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Hey! I'm right here!" Lance retorted. He sniffed, about to fake cry.

"W-well.. That is unless you met the right person! Which I have! Haha.. love you Lance.." Hunk said quickly, laughing nervously as to not upset his boyfriend.

Pidge rolled her eyes before nodding. "Yeah. Crushes suck more. I can tell you first handedly, crushes suck a lot." She said, sighing. She closed her eyes for a moment, continuing to pet Keith's hair.

"I just.. I love him.. why can't he love me back..?" Keith said quietly. "It's so.. unfair.."

"I know. The world is unfair." Pidge said. It kinda sounded like she wasn't talking to Keith that time.

Autumn Crocus // SheithWhere stories live. Discover now