Chapter 12

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"You sound crazy!" I growled.

"I sound crazy?! You're the one screaming over common knowledge. Everybody knows you can't shift for seven days after your coming of age. Your wolf will only reappear to announce her mate." He said to me. "You know that!"

I said nothing. I did not know that. I had never once been informed of this. Why had nobody told me anything? Did my parents not think it was important or something?! Like, hello?! I looked like a total idiot. I decided I would not be the only idiot here.

"Then why did you tell me to shift, pine cone brain?" I looked up at him with a smirk.

"My wolf was able to shift after the first seven hours because I'm the rightful alpha heir to my pack." He told me. "I figured maybe it had something to do with your father being an alpha, too."

"Obviously not." I scoffed, realizing I was just beginning to look more and more stupid.

"Well, we need to get going." He said to me. "Come here. I will carry you."

"Uh... yeah, not happening." I said sassily and started to walk away.

"Wrong direction, babydoll." He was holding in a laugh.

"You lead then." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Trust me. I'll always lead." He smirked at me.

Dirty pig!

I rolled my eyes at him and trudged after him, being careful to stay a few feet behind him. It was dark out and we were on unclaimed land which meant rogues could easily come at us. I thought of my most recent encounter with a rogue and took a few quick steps so I was standing slightly closer to River.

I prayed to the goddess he wouldn't turn around and see me. I also prayed he wouldn't feel my emotions being projected into his wolf or whatever he'd said. I didn't want him to know I was scared. I'd never ventured out of my fathers territory besides going to school, but that didn't really count. This was new and kind of disturbing.

"You scared, babydoll?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at me.

"No!" I protested quickly.

Thoughts of what could happen in the forest flooded my head as he turned back around and left me to walk in silence. I was fair game to anybody that wanted me right now. I couldn't shift to protect myself and I figured River would just let them have at me. I mean, he'd made my life miserable so what's a bit more misery?

He stopped walking and I bumped right into him. I fell down onto the earths floor with a thud, jarring my insides. I glared up at him. What the hell?!

"Hush." He glanced at me before looking around.

"What?" I hissed at him.

What was going on? Was there a rogue? I didn't move. My breathing started to become ragged and I pulled my knees to my chest. This was a harder position to hurt somebody in. If I stayed in the fetal position I could stay mostly unharmed.

They would get to me first and ruin me. I'd be an outcast. My father would have no choice and my mate (if it really was River or not) would reject me instantly upon finding out I was impure.

The tears fell without my notice and I saw rivers face in front of mine before I heard him talking to me. I was panicking.

"Hey, calm down. I was just checking to see how close we were to your party. Just breathe ok?" He reached his hand out and placed it on my shoulder, instantly sending soothing sparks through out my entire body. "You're fine, there's nothing out here. Even if there is, you're with me. You're fine."

I nodded my head and watched as he stood up. I quickly stood up and began to follow close behind him. I didn't care how close I stood to him anymore, I was terrified. He stopped again, but I didn't bump into him this time. River turned around and picked me up as though I were a toddler. He wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he held my underneath my butt. I'd never admit it to anybody, but I clung to him like a baby koala.

"Relax." He chuckled. "There's nothing out here."

"Yes, there is. It got me at the school." I argued against him, hesitantly resting my head on his shoulder.

He gently shoved my head into his shoulder, which made me relax further. Why was I so comfortable with this ogre carrying me? I normally refused to let anybody carry me.

"At the school?" He repeated.

I felt his heart rate intensify. I was probably too heavy for him. I squirmed, but he just held me tighter and kept walking us through the foreign woodland. Why wouldn't he put me down if he was tired? That was just embarrassing for me!

"Yes." I grunted. "River, put me down."

"No. You don't actually want me to." He rolled his eyes at me. "What did the fucking thing do to you?"

"It just tried to... you know?" I didn't want to say it.

I'd be proving him right. I was a helpless little girl. I was much smaller than him. I couldn't shift. I was scared and he was right. I didn't really want him to put me down. I felt almost safer with him.

"No, I don't know." He deadpanned.

How stupid was he?!

"It, like, tried to..." I made my eyes go wide and raised my eyebrows at him. "You know."

"No, I fucking don't, Aurora." He growled at me.

"It tried to fuck me, River!" I growled. "Happy now?! Like seriously?! Please, let me tell you all about the time I almost got raped at my own school! Oh, wait! I don't fucking want to!"

He said nothing, but he held me a bit tighter.

Why did he even want to know so bad? It was none of his business and he'd set it up, so I don't know why he had to get any details. I squirmed around in his arms, trying to get him to put me down until I felt a harsh sting on my ass.

Did he just...?

"Did you just...?" I blurted out, now looking up at him in shock.

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