Chapter 8

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"What the actual fuck!" I heard her voice before I felt the man getting off of me.

Thank the goddess for Sam!

The man shifted and sprinted off. I heaved a huge sigh of relief before collapsing in her arms.

"Oh my gosh! Rory, are you okay? What the hell was that?! I'll call your dad! That was a rogue!" She squawked as she pulled me outside and into her car. "Did you see him? He was absolutely horrendous! Are you hurt?"

"Sam, shut up." I sighed and sat in the car holding back tears.

That was never supposed to happen to me. I wasn't the kind of girl that ever got herself into situations like that. My father was going to be beyond pissed. I internally cringed at the thought of him finding out.

There's no way a rogue attacked me just out of the blue. I had an Alpha scent. Alpha's hold a place of high respect and messing with one or one of their own was never a smart move. It was always to get back at them for something and I knew my father hadn't done anything recently. He always told us when we needed to be on high alert. This was no coincidence.

This was a Wilde prank. I'd suffered many pranks over the years, but none of them had ever gone this far. I was beyond angry. He was in for it!

"Wilde probably set this up!" I growled, slamming my open hand against the door. "He set this whole thing up!"

"Rory, I don't think he'd go that far..." Sam was looking at as though I were freaking her out. "I mean, c'mon. You guys have known each other since you were pups. You really think he'd set that up? You're supposedly mates, too, Rory."

"No! He fucking set that up!" I was seething. "Why else would that have happened, Sam?! My father hasn't said anything to me about a conflict with another pack or lone wolf!"

Why the fuck would somebody do that?! I was going to ruin him! I couldn't wait to get my hands on him! He was a dead meat the second I saw him. Stupid, stupid River Wilde!

I stormed out to car, walking fast and angry. I slammed the passenger seat door shut and watched as Sam awkwardly drove out of the schools parking lot. The drive was quiet with a bit of heavy metal music playing in the background. It was Sam's choice of music as it was her car.

She pulled slowly into my driveway. I practically jumped out of the car. He was over for dinner and I was not going to be using any table manners the second I saw him. Sam scurried behind me, looking more put off than ever. She'd get over it.

"Let's go upstairs." She suggested quickly, catching sight of something.

River Wilde.

He was sitting between a bunch of his friends which meant my parents decided to have a few more people over than I'd been told. Great! An audience to watch me beat his ass. He was laughing as though he hadn't done a single thing wrong. He was in for a humiliating exposure!

"You go." I grunted as she took my stuff from my arms when she noticed I was glaring at him. "I'll deal with this."

"Ok. Don't be too Wilde." She giggled before looking nervous. "Too soon?"

"Too soon." I deadpanned as she scurried past River and slipped through the door.

His friends all began to laugh about something he'd said and I could hold back. I walked up the porch steps, nearly stomping my feet. I was going to kill him!

"You!" I growled the second I knew she was inside. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Lots of things, babydoll." He smirked. "What's got you panties in a twist?"

I growled and pulled my hand back to slap him. I heard the sound before I felt the stinging on my palm. He looked absolutely shocked. His friends had gone quiet and were now letting out scoffs and stupid chuckles.

"How dare you set that up?!" I screamed. "How dare you?!"

He stood up slowly, puffing his chest out as though he were fighting to stay in control. I knew I'd hit a nerve, but I was no where near done. Nobody, and I mean nobody, messes like that with me.

His friends hadn't started to laugh again. They were slowly backing up as I watched River stand up straight and look behind me. His friends seemed to be almost standing around cautiously, trying not to make any sudden moves. I stood in front of him, still seething and angry, but confused.

"What are you talking about?" He grunted.

"What am I talking about?!" I roared and reached to slap him again.

He caught my wrist with ease. I glared up at him. He deserved it. I struggled to free myself but he was stronger than I was and seemed set on holding it. I yanked once more, but it did nothing.

"Never." He threw my hand down and barely managed to grit the words through his teeth. "Do. That. Again."

"You deserve it, you low life! You're nothing but a selfish pig!" I hissed. "How dare you?!"

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, Aurora." He grunted, his eyes slowly shifting from his normal blue to black and red. "You look sexy when you're angry."

"Oh, you're in for it now, Wilde!" I growled and caught him by surprise with my other hand. "Who sends a rogue to attack their supposed mate?! Who the fuck does that?! Who sends a rogue to attack anyone for no apparent reason?!"

He grabbed me and pinned me to the wall. Obviously, he'd meant it when he said not to slap him again. His friends stood up quickly, but he snarled at them. They immediately backed off. He was there alpha which left them with no choice but to follow his orders.

Luckily, he wasn't hurting me, but I wasn't comfortable. I brought my knee up and landed it in his crotch. He'd closed his legs before I had the chance to really hurt him, leaving me trapped. I growled in frustration and tried to move, but he seemed to be an annoying expert in pinning people to the wall.

"You were attacked?" He growled lowly, his hot breath ticking my ear and making the hair on my neck stand up.

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