Fort Lauderdale, Or Forth Worth?

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It took atleast 10 minutes for the boys to come. Well, Harry said it was 5, since the venue wasn't that far away from school, but it sure felt like hours as I felt these girls pound on my car. I swear, I'd probably kill one of these girls if they got a scratch on my car. My car is my baby, she's my life, my everything.

I was upset by the time the boys came. I was with Mya and we were both all done from being panicked, and we were more mad because their fans don't know how to respect a relationship. We didn't know exactly what they wanted, but it was clear to see that they didn't like us. As a big black SUV with tinted windows came to the rescue, they brought along the cops so girls instantly ran when you heard the sirens. Harry and Niall jumped out from the car and ran to us, not caring if girls would swarm around them. We got out the car once we seen that all the girls had left because of the cops, and the one of the cops warned them if they pulled this stunt again, they would have to arrest them.

I jumped out from my seat and fell to the ground crying, and Harry was there to catch me fall. I was glad I have a boyfriend that would be there for me, but it's his fault that we got stuck in this. I was now regretting saying yes and announcing it to their fans on twitcam. I was crying as Harry took me into the suv and Paul took my car to the venue, where they would be doing sound check. By the time we got there, my mascara was runny, I was all cried out. Mya went through the same thing, and both of our boyfriends were there to ATTEMPT to handle what they caused.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know..." Harry tried to apologize on behalf of his fans.

"It's .. it's ok." I said to him as I was sobbing.

He took my hand and we went inside the venue, and the rest of the boys came running to us when they seen our faces horrified and all cried out. "ARE YOU OK?!" shouted Liam and Zayn almost instantly when they seen our face. Louis kept quiet, because if he were to talk, everyone would get mad since he's the one who usually jokes it out to make matters less worse.

I ran into Zayn's arms. (I don't know why I did) And I cried into his arms, and he just held me there, not knowing what to do, since Harry was obviously right there. He couldn't kiss me or make me feel better, because I know he's probably the one that could get me to stop crying. Zayn just said 'shhh, shh, pretty girls don't need to cry.' and that made me feel better. I held on to him tighter and then once I was done crying into his Letterman, (now it was stained) and I apologized. "I didn't know... what came over me." I said and then I hugged Liam also to make it not as bad. Harry just stood there and watched it all. He was a bit mad, but it was his fault that this all happened.

Mya didn't get out of Niall's arms, she was way too shocked. She could hardly stand up on her own. I made Niall take her off of himself, so then I hugged her and I made her feel way better. "Please, Mya, you're like my sister. Stop crying. You know it kills me seeing you cry." I said to her as I patted her hair.

All the crying eventually stopped and Paul came to us and said if that were to happen again, then it would be safer if we announced that our relationships were over. But Mya didn't want to do that, I didn't mind, because I'd rather have them stop. The boys did soundcheck and we heard them sing amazingly, and I couldn't believe it. It made me forget everything that happened in the past 2 hours. I kept smiling and Zayn kept his usual singing to me and it made my heart feel warm. At times I would look at Harry, and it was obvious that he knew that me and Zayn had a thing.

The concert was in less than 3 hours, so we decided to kill time playing around backstage. The boys had these piggy shaped yoga ball things, I don't know what they were, but they were fun! We were jumping all around with them. By the time we finished, Eleanor and Danielle came and it was an hour less than show time and I ran to hug them.

"Babe! We heard what happened, are you guys ok? It's ALL OVER the news!" exclaimed Danielle as she hugged me, and while Eleanor hugged Mya.

"Oh shoot! My mom, will... I don't know what she'll do!!" I yelled, worried that my mom would want me to dump Harry. I mean, I know I said I would, but I only said it because I was scared of what was going to happen to me and Mya. I didn't really mean it.

"It's ok, let's talk about something else." Eleanor suggested, and we switched to the topic of the concert that's going to happen in a few.

"Well, today's the last day in Texas..." Liam said in a sad tone, "I'll sure miss this heat." said Louis, but in a sarcastic tone.

"WHAT?!" I said, "I thought you guys had Fort. Worth tomorrow..."

"No. Fort Lauderdale." Corrected Zayn.

I can't believe today is their last day here.

"But... that's in FLORIDA" Mya gasped as she heard that it wasn't Ft. Worth.

"Harry, I thought you said it was Ft. Worth tomorrow." I turned to him, not believing that what they've said was true.

"I never said that..." he said.

I must have got them both confused.

"Oh." is all I said, I didn't know how to reply. Today was the last night, that I would see Harry. And Zayn. This will be the longest but yet, also shortest night of my life.

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