Harry, Niall and Louis Into One?!

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The usual happened from what I experienced of my concert (well most of it, except the whole Zayn thing) occurred again. More girls for meet and greets, taking pictures and all that mumbo jumbo. I wasn't jealous that Harry had to kiss girls on the cheek, and neither was Mya. We aren't the jealous type once that we have a boyfriend. They chose us, not the other girls. They were celebrities, it was basically mandatory for them to do that. But now if it was on the lips, that's a whole 'nother type of story.

I was kind of upset that Zayn had his attention to this one girl. Mya nudged me and said, "Hey doesn't she look like you?" As I look at her more closely, we do have similar appearances and I found it cute that Zayn was talking to her because of me. I wasn't too fond because he was probably going to get her into his bed also. It probably happens at each of their concerts.

Once the meet and greets finished, they did their whole backstage ritual before heading out to the stage and I just sat there with the other three girls. Danielle, Eleanor, Mya and I sat backstage on the couch they used for intermission, and talked throughout the concert. I wanted to hear them, and see what Zayn's doing ... err, who's he singing to, so I excused myself to the seat Mya and I had reserved by Harry.

I noticed that Zayn wasn't looking at anyone, he was more looking at everyone, but once I got there, he stared at my direction. I didn't think that was good, so I just kept my attention towards Harry. I smiled and mouthed 'Good job. Keep it going.' to Harry and he caught on and sung "What Makes You Beautiful" perfectly, although his voice HAS deepened throughout these years.

Once the concert ended, they stood around for one last song and Harry said, "To ALL you that have tried to hurt my girlfriend today. Please stop. It's not polite." in his adorable British accent.

Girls started booing until Niall's deep Irish voice came to sing their last song, "Forever Young," although he wasn't the one who starts it.

After the song finished, Zayn said that they would be back in two months for the release of their upcoming new single (pretend it hasn't been released) 'Gotta be you' and that they would film it HERE, in Texas. And perhaps, there was some lucky girls out here that would star in it, and Zayn looked directly at me once he said 'star in it.'

I was a bit happy that they would be back FOR A FACT, but that they wouldn't be here until then was quite upsetting.

They all ran backstage, and I went walking backstage once the venue slightly cleared out.

Harry took me driving home, in my car, since Paul had brought it. "You sure you want to be alone?" He asked breaking the silence yet again.

"You have to be in Florida..." I reminded him.

"Not until 5, and you get out of school at 2."

I was questioning at what he was going for, until he pulled out TWO tickets to Florida.

"OH MY GOSH HARRY STYLES, YOU'RE THE BEST BOYFRIEND I'VE EVER HAD." basically yelling it into his ear.

"Don't sweat it, I've done enough damage to you today."

"Does that mean you'll be here once I get home from school?.. But you'll be bored. How about you come to school with me?!" I suggested, but realised that would be too risky for him.

"SURE! I haven't been to school in A LONG while.."

"Well, let's go to Kmart to see if there's wigs to buy for you tomorrow. And a whole different outfit than what you usually wear." I told him, and we went to Kmart to buy it.

We got Harry a blonde wig, similar to Niall's hair and got him what Louis would wear. "Yeah, they'd never think it's you," I laughed at Harry's self. He was Niall, Louis and Harry mixed into one. Pretty funny stuff.

We bought the items and went home without any delay. Mostly because it was almost 1am.

Time to see what tomorrow has in store...

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