Chapter 2

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Today I got up early made me some coffee and got dressed . I put on a black tank top and black shorts and black flip flops .
I went out and waited for my Uber to get here, I had a 10:30 interview at Amazon, I was a little nervous .
I got there and checked in .
Have a seat and we will call you back shortly .
Okay thanks .
I went to take a seat, it had been 10 minutes and they finally called me back .
Majesty ?
Yes that's me .
I got up and followed the guy back to his office .
It looks here that you have a good background check and you haven't been let go from any of your jobs, no behavioral issues .
I smiled.
Seems good . So Ms.Majesty tell me why you chose Amazon .
Well I um- just wanted something close to home, and you guys where it so...
Oh okay . Well you sound good enough to hire so congratulations you will start Tomorrow at 10:00 AM, we will have your uniform and wear your hair up please because you will be working with equipment and we don't want your hair to get stuck, no jewelry, cellphones,purse etc.  stay in the break room you will have your own locker .
Okay thank you sir .
No problem see you tomorrow.
I got outside and jumped up and down, I was so freakin happy man !! Now I just need to look for me and house, a car, and some friends and I'll be good .
The next morning I got up and got dressed, brushed my teeth and did my hair .
I ate some toast then waited for my Uber as usual .
I was on time, I clocked in exactly at 9:59 . People greeted me, people was friendly .
Hi, what's your name ?
Majesty .
Aww that's cute, my name is Taria (tah-ri-ah)
Aww nice to meet you .
Taria was someone I worked next to, she seemed friendly too, she sat by me at lunch and would laugh, she was so funny I swear .
Back at home I called my mom .
Hey mom, just checking in with you .
How you liking it down there ?
It's good, I got a job at amazon .
Awww congratulations daughter, I'm proud !!
Yeah, I met a new friend her name is Taria .
Awe okay just be careful who you calling your friend majesty because not everyone gonna be your friend, understand ?
Yes mama .
I rolled my eyes .
So how is everyone back at home ?
They good, your brother misses you, daddy is still in the hospital but he should be coming home pretty soon so...
Okay well tell them I say hey and that I love them .
Alright I will..
well mama ima get some sleep, I gotta work tomorrow at 10, I'll call you some time again this week .
Alright I love you sweetie .
Love you more .
I put my phone on the charger and turned out the light .
The next morning I got up and went to work, I was early than usual but I ain't trippin . Today he had us labeling packages, it was not fun at all because there was a certain way you had to put them and it was hard .
At lunch me and Taria went to Panda Express .
I love me some Panda Express.
I never had it before .
Really .
Taria looked up at me in confusion.
Yeah I don't have it back where I live . I moved here after I graduated college back in Toledo and they don't have that down there .
Oooh I see . Well you'll like Detroit, the friendliest, and fun place you'll ever be at .
I smiled .
We should probably head back, lunch is about over .
Me and Taria headed back to work .
The day seemed so long, I couldn't wait to go back in my bed .
Hey Maj. I'm having a party at my house this weekend just to have fun, maybe you'd wanna come ?
Sure I'd love that.
I smiled, I'll go but I sure won't be staying long .

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