Chapter 20

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The next morning Rick woke first with a pounding headache and Kate curled into his chest. He couldn't remember much of last night other than Kate had put him to bed, but even that was blurry, and when he woke up to her crying. That had happened often in the last five weeks, and he hated it. Hated seeing Kate so vulnerable.

He untangled her body form his, though he'd like to spend all morning with her in his arms, but he had to get up, despite how shitty he felt. After he stood he gently pulled the covers over Kate's body and kissed her forehead making her stir a bit, but not enough to wake her. He made his way to the bathroom and took a hot shower and got dressed in sweat pants and a hoodie and made some tea to ease his headache.

He finally sat down at his desk in his office to write his final chapter of 'heat fall.' He had decided to end the heat series after jack had passed. He loved having Kate as an Inspiration and it was the best one he had yet, but rook and Nikki had a child together and it was just too painful to write. He was about halfway done with the chapter when he felt tender hands wrap around his neck, and soft lips kissing his neck. "Morning," he said spinning around pulling Kate into his lap.

"How do you feel?" She asked feeling his forehead.

"I'm fine, hung over but fine."

"Ok, well I'm going to get the kids. Wanna come?"

"I would, but I just want to finish this and send it to Paula. I want to put this behind me."

Kate nodded. "I understand." She kissed him and got up to go change.

-Jim's house-

Kate knocked on the door and Jim answered with a smiling face, "hi, Katie." He embraced her and let her in.

"How were the kids?" She asked as she walked in.

"Excellent. I love having them." He smiled as Kate went into the living room to round up the kids who were watching tv. They all hugged Kate and gave her a kiss before going to collect their belongings, Kate going with J.J. To help her. When they all met back by the front door Kate slung Jacies bag over her shoulder and picked her up.

"Got everything?" She asked referring to Anna and Collin.

"Yup, by grandpa." Gave him a hug followed by Collin. After Kate got them settled in the car she got herself settled and drove off.

"Momma, can we get some crayons for school tomorrow?" Anna asked, they had already done all of their school shopping, but Anna instead on having her own crayons.

"Sure, B. We'll drop off J.J. So daddy can put her down for her nap, and if Collin wants to come, he can."

Anna smiled, "but what about ja-" she caught herself, "a new jacket. Can I get a new one?" Kate knew she was about to say Jack, and her chest got tight but she swallowed hard.

"Yeah, we can get you a new jacket." Kate replied and sped up towards home. After dropping J.J. And Collin, who didn't want to go. She took Anna back out.

"I'm sorry mom, I know he isn't here anymore, I just forgot." Kate stopped pushing the kart and knelt down to Anna's size.

"Sweetheart," Kate tucked a stray hair behind her ear, "it's ok, to say his name, and talk about Jack. Yes, we miss him, but it's ok to remember him and talk about the happy times with him. It's ok to be upset and angry that he's gone, it's even ok to cry about him, but we do have to move on, but we can't forget him. Do you understand what I'm saying, honey? Because I know it can be confusing sometimes, even for mommy and daddy."

Anna nodded and hugged her mother and cried slightly, "I just miss him, momma."

"I do to baby girl." She paused for a moment, "let's get some crayons and that new jacket huh?" Anna smiled and Kate stood back up holding her tiny hand as they went to the crayon aisle.

When they arrived home Rick made dinner while Kate helped the two older kids get their stuff ready for the new school year, so they didn't have to do it in the morning.
After they ate, Kate bathed J.J. And put her to bed, then helped Anna to bed while Rick put Collin to bed.

Later that night, while curled up on the couch, Rick typing away, finishing his chapter, Kate sighed in content. Jack May be gone, and there was a part of their life missing and they were still grieving and adjusting as a family, but Kate felt some what at ease. She knew her their was boy was better off and pain free, Something that took her a long time to understand after her mothers dead. Losing a child was the hardest thing she has been though and will probably be the worst, but her mothers death defiantly helped her cope, along with Rick and her kids not to spiral down like before. Things would never be Perfect or whole again, but she knew things would get better and they could move on, maybe notice same as before, but pretty close. But most of all, she knew they would be ok, she would be ok.


A/N- well that concludes this story. I feel so honored that all of you loved this story and took the time to vote review and read it. I have plenty of other story's I'm writing now and I'm going to start a new one called 'for my daughter' since this one has ended. It's not a sequel nor a spinoff of anything, completely AU and original. I hope you continue to real my works and love reading them as much as I love writing them.



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