Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The last time Kate had a nightmare was a few months after it happened. Just a few months after J.J. Was born, Kate was working a case that involved a serial rarest who killed his victims. Kate had followed a lead just after she dropped castle off at home to be with the kids. When she got to the apartment their suspect was there and Kate failed to call for back up before entering. She thought she had everything under control, but she didn't. They fought and Kate was winning until her gun was knocked away and the suspect, markie, flipped them over and was on top of Kate. He punned her down and proceeded to take her clothing off. 'Wow, I'd never thought a girl would come to me.' He had whispered while Kate struggled against him, but he was a big guy, bigger than josh. 'Especially one as pretty as you, darling.' What happened after that Kate didn't talk about since her last nightmare. Kate was staring to calm down and Rick rubbed her back. "Are you ok?" He asked kissing her head. She nodded, "I'm sorry." "Kate, don't be sorry." She shrugged. It had been at least two years since she had a nightmare about that night. "I should have called for back up." She whispered looking away from him. "Kate, this happened three years ago, it's over and done with." Rick said, annoyed at her. Kate looked up. "Seriously? Rick, I just had a nightmare after two years and this is how your going to treat it? You had those dreams too and I helped you through them long after mine stopped." Kate shoved his hands off of her. "Kate you need to calm down, it's history, I don't know why your having these dreams now." "Neither do I." She stood up, furious at him for how he was treating her. "It's not like I can control it." She snapped again and his anger grew. "Why are we even fighting Kate? I'd like to know?" "Because you started it!" "Me?" He pointed at himself. "Wow, I can't believe this. Why don't we just go back to bed, we have to take jack to get his first treatment done in the morning." Kate couldn't believe him. "No, I'm not sleeping with you. Either you sleep on the couch, or I am. And I'm sure as hell not putting up with your bull shit tonight." Ricks mouth dropped open, he had really messed up, big time. "Fine. I'll sleep on the couch." He said in a sarcastic manner and grabbed his pillow and stood up. Kate rolled her eyes and threw a blanket at him that was folded at the end of their bed. "Just so you know, Kate, this conversation, excuse me, 'fight'" he made air quotes with his fingers, "isn't over." He brushed passed her and she stood there for a moment until she finally laid back down. Little did she know that this was just the beginning of their fights, and it surely was not going to be the worst one.


A/N: sorry it took so long to update, I'm super busy

But please review comment and all those other things

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