Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Kate was on her knees in front of the bath assisting Jacie. She loved being a mother and never got tired of bath time or story time. Some people thought she was crazy for being a cop with four kids, but she loved it. Honestly she wouldn't mind if her and Rick had another baby, but he didn't know that yet. It scared her that her kids were growing up so fast and she always wanted a big family. She was pulled from her thoughts when J.J. Splashed her. "Momma," she giggled. Kate smiled and rinsed the conditioner out of her hair. "What baby?" "Sleep with you tonight?" "Sweetheart, not tonight." J.J. Crossed her arms and pouted and it made Kate laugh. It was a trait her kids got from her. When she was little she used to do the same thing to her father and mother. "Come on, J. Let's get out." Kate grabbed the towel closest to her and she lifted Jacie out of the bath and wrapped her up in it. Kate picked her back up and brought her to her bedroom and set her down. Turning to get J.J.'s pajamas she felt a hand on her back. "Hey," a pair of lips connected with her neck for a brief moment, "Anna is waiting in her room for you, Me and Collin are going to watch a movie after I check on jack." She turned to face him, "ok, I'm going to out her to bed and relax with Anna." He gave her a soft smile and kissed J.J. Night and left. Kate finished ticking in Jacie and read her a story and waited until she was asleep to go find Anna in her room. Kate smiled and walked in, "momma! I missed you!" Kate sat on the bed resting up on the headboard. Anna curled into her lap, her head resting on Kate's chest and her arms around her waist. "I missed you to, B." Kate rocked slightly until Anna spoke again. "Is Jack gonna me ok, momma?" Kate held back the tears and kissed her head lightly, "I hope so baby." Anna pulled away and looked into Kate's eyes and saw the tears. "Momma it's ok to cry." Kate couldn't help but laugh as a tear rolled down her cheek. "That's what you always tell me." Anna said wiping her tear away as Kate always did. Kate pulled her to her chest and hugged her long as she rocked back and fourth. "I know baby, i love you so so much." She kissed her head again and Anna relaxed into Kate. "I love you too, momma." "Did you want to watch a. Movie or something?" Anna shook her head, "can we just cuddle?" She asked looking at Kate who nodded. Anna leaned in and they rubbed their noses together, giggling. "Do I have to go to school tomorrow?" Kate nodded, "yeah, but me or daddy will drive you." "Good because I don't like the bus." Kate smiled, "come here bug." She pulled the covers over them, them reached to shut the lamp off. After Anna got comfortable Kate relaxed too and hummed the song her mother used to hum to her. It always helped Anna and her siblings to fall asleep. As Kate was humming she ran patters over Anna's back until her breathing evened out. Having no heart to get up, Kate kept humming until she nodded off.


Well there's chapter 6, review💕

I will update ASAP (:

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