Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

By the time Rick came out clean and shaved the nurse had came and given Jack breakfast. Kate sat next to him and they were laughing. He smiled and went towards them. "What's so funny?" He asked throwing his towel on his bag. Jack shook his head. "It's a secret." "It is huh?" Kate nodded and Rick stood next to Kate leaning over her to plant a kiss on jacks head. All of a sudden his mood changed and he went pale, "are you ok bud?" Kate asked pushing his tray away. "No," he clutched his stomach. "I feel like..." Rick ran to the bathroom and grabbed a bucket and ran back. Kate rubbed her hands over his back until he was done. "I'm sorry, daddy." Rick looked down and realized he missed the bucket. "No, bud it's ok." Just after Rick cleaned up the mess dr. Schwartz came in. "Morning guys." He greeted trying to sound cheerful. "I hoped you started packing your bags, because we can leave today." Jack smiled at Kate, "we get to go home momma, I'm not sick anymore?" Kate's smiled quickly faded. Rick and Kate went on and explained how they were going home, but he was still sick. They had the option of doing his treatments at home, but they denied because they didn't want the kids to be around that. Castle packed up their bags and and brought them to the car and came back for Kate and Jack. She carried him because he had a hard time walking. The ride home was long and mostly quiet. Kate sat in the back with Jack to assist him in anything he needed while Rick drove. After long hours they finally made it to the loft. Jack had fallen asleep and Kate tried to get him out of the car, "Rick, could you?" He came around the car and set the bags down and kissed her head. "I'll get him, take the bags." She did and started up to the loft. Once in the elevator she sighed in relief, she was finally home to her babies and though they still had a long road ahead of them, they were home. Quietly she came In the loft and set the bags down. She smiled when thee kids came running towards her. "Momma!" Collin reached her first and crushed her with a hug. Anna was next followed by J.J. "Momma home!" J.J. Stated wanting Kate to pick her up. Kate did and kissed her forehead. "I missed you guys so much." "Where's daddy? And jack?" Anna asked climbing into a stool in the kitchen. "They're on their way up, but jack is sleeping and you can't bother him." Kate set Jacie down and Jim emerged from the bathroom. "Katie," he held his arms out and hugged her kissing her head, he pulled away. "I'm glad your home." "Me too dad." "Look, I know things are going to be hectic, so when ever you need me I'll be here, I'm gonna go, well talk a out this later." He kissed her forehead and he hugged his grandkids. Rick had just came in and Jim patted his back and kissed jacks head. The boy didn't stir and Rick took him straight into their room. When he emerged he was attacked by hugs and kisses. A smile split across his face as his kids blabbed and talked about how their time was with grandpa. Kate listened too until she picked up J.J. "Ok, guys it's close to bedtime." "But momma, you just got home." Anna whined. "I know baby, but daddy will get you and Collin ready for bed while I give Jacie her bath, then I'll come and snuggle with you after I put her to bed, ok?" A grin spread across her face and her and Collin raced up the stairs. "Momma, jack ok?" J.J. Asked. "He's sick, Baby girl." She only nodded and Rick slapped her butt making her jump slightly, and she made her way up stairs, Rick following close behind.


I'll try and update sooner, for now reviews?💕

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