Just Your Average Orphan

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  • Dedicated to Mindless Behavior

[ Rita ]

    Hi , My name is Ja' Rita Rivera . Rita for short . I'm 15 , Peurto Rican , and Black . Coming From New Jersey , Ive had it rough . Don't get me wrong , i had a wonderful childhood , up until the age of 10 ..

    One day , my mother went from that cookie cutter Martha Stewart Single mom , to a Cray Weed pothead . She started going crazy on me . Bringing nigga's in the house , night after night . They ain't rape or touch me thou , she wouldn't let them . I think that's the only smart thing she was doing by me . But still .. Then one night , she told me to get cleaned up , and put on something nice on , because she was taking me out to eat . I'm guessing while i was in the shower she had one of her " boys " help pack all my clothes up . After i was done getting ready , she shooed me to the car . Once she got in we drove around for what seemed like forever , finally stopping in front of this big white building . I got out and walked up to the door , as she popped the trunk , taking out my stuff . She set it up next to me , and told me something i will NEVER forget ..

Mom : Remember this for me Chuchi , I Love you , but i cant love you right now ..

After she said that , she ran to the car , and nodded her head as she drove off . I sat there and watched her drive off , until i couldn't see , or hear her anymore . I replayed her head nod over and over again , hearing her words in the back of my head , Remember this for me Chuchi , I Love you , but i cant love you right now .. What did that even mean ? I turned to the door , and knocked on it . A woman Who looked alil in her late 20's opened it . She was very pretty . Long Black hair and a beauty mark on the side of her mouth . She smiled at me . It was a Genuine Smile . I smiled back as i grabbed my bags . Now knowing that this was my new home , i let a single tear escape my eye ..

      3 years later , it ain't get any better . Moving from foster home to foster home . Getting bullied everyday at school . That lady that opened the door ? Her name was Keke Wyatt , Mrs. Wyatt to us . She moved to Atlanta last year . Now she is a big time singer . Another mother figure in my life , gone . I met alot of nice people in the Girls home , they loved me there . I also met alot of nice families . But they could never keep me , not enough room . Alot of kids lived in the Girls home with me . From teenagers , to Lil babies . Still , it wasn't a real home .

      Age 14 , i filled out very nicely , as i was told . I had long Brown and blondish hair , stopping mid-back . A body like Beyonce , in my eyes . Big Brownish- Black eyes , and a very pretty face . Did that stop the bullying ? Nope . But did it get me my first boyfriend ? Sorta .. His name a Darrell . He was 2 years older than me . He was like a drug legend in Burlington , New Jersey . Being with him , it made me leave that awkward teenager , and i transformed into a Thug . I never did all that stuff him and his friends did or anything . I ain't have to , to know that i was a true thug . I took nothing from anybody . Stopped the bullying , and got my own job . I worked for Darrell , and since i ain't smoke or pop , his drugs never left my side , unless i sold it . I never let anybody Steal , or try and shoot for free . I knew better . Me and Darrell was a cute , Thugged out couple . He called me his angel , making me feel good in his arms . I was a virgin , and he took advantage of that . One night , he was Popping , smoking and drinking . Allat . He was tryna take my clothes off , but i ain't let that fool . He always tried to do this . I got up to leave , like i always do , But he gripped my wrists and dragged me to the bedroom . He tied me to the bed . My arms were tied , but my legs weren't . I kicked him in the balls like so many time you would think that Lil nigga wasn't gone have babies ! I kept kicking him , until he started hitting back . His hits ain't hurt though , for some reason . My kicks weren't enough though . He raped me after our Lil fight . And he kept raping me , whenever he please . Sober or not . But that ended when that Muthafucka died . I ain't kill him , One of his homeboys did . CTFUU ! What are friends for Ehh ?

     Now I'm 15 . In high school . Still bullied , it started back up after Darrel Died . But I'm stronger than ever befoe . Ive learned alot . They say I'm very wise for my age or some shit like that . But that's because Ive seen alot in 5 years . Ive gotten a tattoo . Nothing bad or too big . You know that Nicki Minaj Tattoo ? I got that on my lower back . Not a tramp stamp ! I know what y'all was thinking . It isn't written like her's though , My goes across , like how it would look if you wrote in on paper . Got my Cartilage pierced . And a belly ring . Nothing special . Ive gotten into fights , has had fake friends , and my list of gay ass boyfriends ! All that good stuff . Everyday was the same .. But today was different . I was finally getting adopted . To some family . There names was August . Ja'Rita August .. Yall like that ? I like that . They had one son , Chresantos . They were Belizian and Black . The other good thing about this day was that they lived In Upper Darby , The outskirts of Philly . I was finally leaving this crappy as State ! All my bags pack , goodbyes said , and tears dried up . They had a driver pick me up in a bad ass car i swear , but it wasn't nothing i ain't see before . We spent about an hour in the car , driving to the house .

      When we finally got there , i saw this big Garnet Rock house . Very big ! I aslo saw 4 boys outside playing ball . I tried to get out the car without them looking over , F A I L ! I got out the car , and they heard me shut the door . They all stopped playing and just looked at me . Damn , what i do ?


Wassup Yall ? Boring right ? That's just because , I'm just starting . Its gone get better . But Vote , Comment , and Keep reading .

- Ali .

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