Understanding Everything

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Caroline was running. There was something behind her. All she saw was bright red eye and claws chasing her, taunting her, growling at her. What Caroline doesn't understand is why it hasn't caught her yet. She's not the fastest runner and this was a large animal with claws. What she didn't know was the big animal was her best friend Scott McCall. He was fighting his own instincts trying not to hurt her. Finally the animal caught up to Caroline and jumped on her. The animal looked her right in the eye and growled.

                    (Caroline's POV)

I opened my eyes. Their was sweat sticking my hair to my forehead. I sat up in bed and stretched. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:30am and since there was no way I was going back to sleep I decided to get ready for school and then go visit Isaac, my brother, at the graveyard. I put on a black floral dress, black tights and a black leather jacket. I brushed my long,naturally wavy, dirty blonde hair and let it fall. My dad wouldn't be awake right now so I just left. I took my white ford truck. When I arrived at the graveyard, Isaac was doing his usual work. I went over to him. "Isaac," I yelled. He looked up from what he was doing and walked over. "Hey Care", he said quietly. His curly hair covering his face. I moved his hair out of the way. "Again, Isaac, I'm sorry I wasn't there." I said to him as I saw the black and purple eye he had.

My dad, ever since he lost my mom and my older brother Camden, has been a little harsh and mean to Isaac. I don't really know everything that goes on because I go out a lot with friends and hang out but Isaac isn't really aloud to. Sometimes I'll see him with a scratch or bruise or something like this, a black eye. My dad doesn't really do anything to me. I guess it's because I look a lot like my mom. Isaac does to but everyone  tells me that I'm a spitting image of her.

"Do you want a ride to school?", I asked him. He only nodded. He went to put away his supply's and met me at the truck. We drove to school and Isaac didn't say anything. We are close but that's because we are twins. I think we would be close even if we weren't twins because if you knew Isaac and I mean really knew him, you would know he's the funniest person in the world. He's the only person who can make me feel better when a I'm upset other than my friends and he still does it better than they do. When we got to school, I parked in my usual parking spot. Isaac got out and started up the steps of the schools entry way. I said bye and looked for my friends. Stiles Stilinski then pulled in right next to me. He's been my best friend, along with Scott, since second grade. Stiles and Scott tumbled out of Stiles jeep. "Caroline, you have to see this bite!" Scott yelled. "What bite? Are you okay?" I asked him. "He needs to get it checked out. It's disgusting." Stiles said. I laughed and looked as Scott showed me the bite. I made a face and got squeamish. "I'm telling you Stiles, it was a wolf." Scott said. "Scott, wolves haven't been in Beacon Hills for years." I said. "See, I told you. I was just telling him that." Stiles said. Again I laughed. I said bye to them and went to my best friend Lydia Martin. Yes, the Lydia Martin, prettiest girl in school. "I still don't understand why you socialize with those two. Your lucky you have nice clothes." She said jokingly. "Oh so you're saying you don't like me for my great advice and kind nature?" I said sarcastically and then laughed. Lydia and I then walked into school.

(Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf. I do not own any of the characters or the story lines. That all goes to Jeff Davis and the other writers and creators.)

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