Prologue: Hope after Horror

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What happened before: 

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What happened before: 

There was a second flash and they were in the future. People were running away from the chamber to those who waited to help them get to safety. Karstien collapsed to his knees too weak to even stand. Every trace of dark magic was gone from the oracle's flesh. As Fleur's heart stuttered its last beat, the Relic of Time fell silent. Instead of exploding, it simply collapsed into a heap of golden dust and charged glass shards with its clock face toward its oracle.

Yuri began doing CPR on her body as he had on wounded human warriors during the last war, trying to save Daisy when magic wasn't working. As his body worked the mechanics of resuscitation, his soul pulled her into the Room of Light with the last of the blood magic.

He was horrified at the state of it, the walls were cracked and charred, the clear floor strewn with debris, below them was a vortex of darkness like a great whirlpool, and above them, he could see the starry sky and the golden-white of the celestial veil moving like a curtain in a gentle breeze.

"This is cheating, Yuri, I know because I did the same thing when Kaleth died." Fluer's voice came from behind him.

"Why isn't your room within the veil?" He gaped at the view above.

"I no longer deserve a place with the oracles and celestials, my soul is tainted. My purpose is done, and I can now be discarded like all things that have no further use by the House of Adamos" Her voice was so calm and matter-of-fact, he turned to face her.

He was unprepared for what he saw. Her normally beautiful lavender gown was a shredded, soiled gray rag, her hair was matted and filthy, her scars shifted from pale to dark but were mostly a mottle gray like a corpse's skin, and her eyes... Her beautiful lavender eyes that he had loved more than anything about her, had dulled to the color of smoke at sunset.

"What happened to you?" He demanded in horror.

"You won't let me die!" She screamed at him.

"I... can't."

"Do you hate me so much that you won't even let me die in peace?" She sobbed out. "Don't you understand? You're free now. No more duty. No more taking care of crazy Daisy because your father told you to. Like he t-told K-k-kaleth to..." She sank to her knees and began to beat her fists on the glass floor. "Lies.... Lies... Lies..."

Yuri bent down and seized her hands to make her stop. "Please Daisy, I love you."

"Stop it. Stop saying that." She whispered brokenly then she jerked away violently and shrieked, flinging her words at him like daggers. "Stop saying that lie! I know the truth, I overheard Adamos order you to love me. I heard him say he would make Kaleth do his duty."

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