How you met

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- You guys met through YouTube
- He commented on one of your videos saying that it was funny
- You commented back and followed him on Twitter
- He followed you back and messaged you
- You guys talked for a bit then exchanged numbers so you could call each other
- Soon enough you were doing collabs

- You met at a grocery store
- You couldn't reach for something on the top shelf
- He noticed and came over to help since he's so tall
- You thanked him and you guys finished your shopping together
- He gave you his number and you guys became close after that

- You guys met at a baseball game
- He was sitting in the row behind you and cheered really loud and spilt his drink on you
- You told him to watch it
- He apologized a million times
- After he game he brought you a shirt repping one of the teams that played
- It was because he spilled his drink on you
- You forgave him and you guys exchanged numbers

- You two met at a movie theatre
- The concessions stand ran out of your favourite candy bar and you were mad
- Alex had purchased the last one
- He noticed and shared half the bar with you
- You guys sat together in the theatre
- After the movie you exchanged numbers and texted all night

- You guys met on instagram
- You left funny comments on all the pictures of his dog
- He followed you and left a funny comment on one of your pictures
- You dm'ed him first and soon enough you guys talked every day

A/n - Idk whether to use their real names ex; Elijah, Braden or use their YouTube names ex; Sketch, Corl. What do you think I should do

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