So, without wasting any more time he got up going to straight to the shower. Today was the day he would quench his thirst even if that meant kidnapping the man he needed to do so.


Now, as mentioned before Suga or more like Yoongi had many secrets. Secrets that  man such as himself did his best to keep to himself.

Partly why he found himself at the back door of a tattoo parlor hair a mess and dressed as a fluffy little boy.

"Ah, Yoongi for a moment there I thought you'd forgotten."

A tall man stood before Yoongi his blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun and his pale blue eyes full of excitement.

"Sorry, Tae in fact I had forgotten but Jin was kind enough to remind me."

The blonde flashed a boxygrin before allowing the older inside. Compared to the dark alley Yoongi had stood in just moment ago the parlor was very well lit giving Tae's eyes an unnatural glow. Though he could hardly be considered natural.

"So, what can I do for my little pretty angel today hmm? Or are you just here to see Namjoon? "


Tae faked a pout before pulling Yoongi along to the back of the parlor. It's not that Tae was jealous or anything but he'd always dreamed of tatting the pretty male up. Even if it was just once.

By now I'm sure you're probably wondering what a pretty stripper like Yoongi is doing a place like this well...remeber those secrets? Yeah, they're about to be spilled.

"Yoongi, I see you made it."

Yoongi nodded at the man before who's hair was also blonde but not as bright as Tae's.

"Yeah, the stuff you gave me last time seems to be wearing off so I came for a refill."

Namjoon raised an eyebrows his tattooed covered arms coming up to fold over his chest.

"Really? I thought I did pretty good this time but then again you have to remember you are a fallen angel."

Yoongi winced at the words nd Tae gave him a sympathetic look.
Yes, the tea had been spilled. Yoongi wasn't human never was although he recent descent had started to prove him otherwise.

"But don't worry though I've got another batch stored just like always. Wait a sec while I got get it."

And then just like that Namjoon was a puff a smoke leaving Tae and Yoongi waiting.

"I hate when he does that. He can just think about the damn potion and it'll appear outta the lamp. No need to go in it."

Yoongi shrugged.

"Hey, no one complains when those horns of yours tend to pop out and very inconvient times."

"Hyung...", whined Tae as he moved closer to Yoongi.

"No need to be mean. And woah you smell really good."

Yoongi's nose scrunched up. This wasn't good at all then. If Tae could smell him then that meant others could too.
See, a fallen angel was not considered a demon at least not in the eyesight of God. No, it was kind of like any other mythical creature you've heard of except for one thing.

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