PreforMANCE day (mance as in necromancer. absolutely not mencer)

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It was a sunny sunday afternoo-
No fuck that shit it was a 4 am rainy as fuck morning.
*beep beep beep*
Namjoon rubbed his eyes, reaching over and slapping his alarm clock, it made a slight humming like noise before shutting off with a click.
He sat up in his bed and stretched, groaning slightly. Today was the day they preformed in melbourne, australia. namjoon knew there was no room for error.
"I bet the boys arent even up yet.." he mumbled under his breath, grabbed his water and putting on his fluffy pink unicorn slippers. He opened the door and shuffled right out of his room, straight into the mini kitchen.
He glanced at the clock
He had 21 minutes to himself before the boys would actually get up.
Namjoon started a cup of coffee, sitting down on the mini stool waiting for it to be ready.
He rested his head on the marble counted, closing his eyes for a brief second.
*knock knock*
*skrrt skrrt*
Namjoon opened his eyes, staring ahead at the counter, trying to gather up some strength to lift his head.
As he looked up he noticed nothing odd or out of the ordinary that would have made that sound. Maybe someone is at the door? He got off the stool and shuffled his way to the door, unhooking the chain and unlocking the second, third, and fourth lock.
"What is-" namjoon was cut off by a shrieking scream.
There stood in front of him, a fan.
"What the fuck.." he mumbled, slamming the door as quickly as he could. Why was a fan there? Who the fuck put it there?
Namjoon hesitantly opened the door again. Afterall, he couldnt just leave them out in the cold.
"Come on in.." he mumbled, leaving the door wide enough that they could hop inside.
He helped them all get comfortable, putting one to rest on the counter and another sitting on the stool he previously sat.
Right as namjoon was about to ask their names, he noticed a name tag on both of them
"Those are your names?" He asked the fans, though they didnt reply.
Namjoon figured they were so shocked they couldnt say anything.
Both of the fans had mumbled
'Oh that sounds like a man..' namjoon thought to himself.
"Brrrrrr-" one of the fans continued to hum, shaking and spinning.
"Are you okay...?" Namjoon asked holmes, slowly walking towards them. The fan toppled over, knocking namjoon down and falling into his lap
"O-oh~" namjoon moaned, tilting his head back
"S-stop i cant y-youre a fan.." he mumbled, his cheeks turning pink
And with that namjoon decided he would anyways. No matter how odd it may be.

"Namjoon what are you doing..."
namjoon looked over to see jimin standing in the door way
"U-uhm-" namjoon struggled to stand to his feet, but jimin came over, grabbing the other fan
"Shh..." he whispered, walking back out of the room, with the fan in his arms.
Namjoon was shooketh, he didnt know how or why this was happening, but he couldn't resist.

"skkkkr bbbrrr brrr~"

"Mphhh yes baby~ you're my number one fan~" namjoon moaned, grinding up into holmes

And thats the story of how namjoon fucked a holmes brand fan. Thank you for reading!
incase you are confused, yes. This is a "fan" fiction about kim namjoon fucking a fan you use to cool off. If you're dumb like me and still dont get it, google "holmes fan"

Thanks again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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