You turned to him so you were no longer tucked into him.

Suddenly, Michael moved out of his position and stood straight up. You shot him a confused look. "What, what's wrong?" you questioned.

"I kind of wanna go out. I'm bored," he sighed as he put his shoes on. "And before you say anything- it's late enough that I won't be bothered" he smiled.

"Michael it's dangerous at this time. No way in hell am I letting you go by yourself" you said in a serious tone.

Michael looked up from tying his shoes. "Are you gonna stop me from exploring?" he questioned with an arched brow.

You swung your legs over the side of the bed. "What is that supposed to mean?" you asked with furrowed eyebrows.

He shakes his head. "Never mind, you're welcome to come (Y/N)" he half-smiled.

You pursed your lips and slipped your shoes onto your feet.

Once you were both at the door, Michael had glasses and a cap on as his disguise.

You linked your arm with his and snuggled into his side. "So where are we going at 3am?" you said as you looked up into his eyes.

"Maybe a 24/7 diner," he said as he looked back down at you. "I'm really craving sweets" he whined.

"That sounds like an emergency. Better get there quickly then" you chuckled.

Once you had both snuck out of the lavish hotel, you were both walking aimlessly on the sidewalk.

Soon, a large diner sign came in view. The diner was still open so you both headed in that direction.

A couple feet from the entrance, Michael slowed down. You turned to him, only to see his gaze was on a beautiful woman with a form-fitting dress. She was looking at Michael just the same- with a large smile on her face. She wasn't acting as if she knew he was Michael Jackson because of his make-shift disguise, but she found his curls, caramel complexion and smile alluring.. just as you did.

"Hi" she blurted quietly. Before looking down flirtatiously. You shot her a look for the nerve she had to flirt with the man who is clearly with you, attached to your arm for god sakes.

Because you were on Michael's left side you could see behind his glasses. He was checking her out. You turned your head to the side and let out a sigh of disapproval.

"Hi, love" he said with a smile. You unhooked your arm from his and speed-walked towards the door.

You were jealous of the attention he was giving to others, but you were feeling disrespected more than anything.

You ran into the diner and sat in a booth. You sat on left side- so your back would face the door. You didn't want to see him.

Michael came in close behind you and swiftly pivoted himself into the booth opposite of you. "(Y/N), what is wrong?" he questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

You didn't really know how to respond. You knew you shouldn't have felt jealous and acted the way you did, but your feelings had been accumulating for months. You felt so conflicted. You felt like you weren't worth enough to be loved.

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