The Breakup

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=Ellie's Perspective=

Me and Ryan have been dating for about a month now. Going on picnics, to restaurants, or just hanging out at each other's houses. My mom doesn't even mind anymore. It's great. I love Ryan so much. He walks me to class everyday, and we hold hands. So like normal, he walks me to class even though he's risking being late to his own class.

"Thanks for walking me to class, Ryan. You still know you don't have to always walk me to class," I say.

"I like to," he says.

I roll my eyes a little, but kiss him on the cheek and walk into class.

"Bye," I say.

"Love you," he says as I disappear into another boring class.

=Ryan's Perspective=

I've been dating Ellie for a month now. I really like her. She's so caring, sweet, and really cute. I know I'm just dating her and then breaking up with her to get revenge on her for hurting my feelings, but I actually feel like we've made up, and I love hanging out with her so much.

I've also been dating Sasha for a month. She's made me really popular, which I guess is kinda cool. But then again, Sasha is bossy, not easy to talk to, and honestly, I'd rather hang out with Ellie and her friends instead of hanging out with a bossy girlfriend and a bunch of people I don't even know. At first, I dated Sasha because she was inviting me to be popular and she was a way to get over Ellie. So I asked her out, she said yes, and we've dated ever sense. Now that I know Ellie, I'm considering breaking up with her.

Ugh, there's so much drama no one knows about except me, and I'm so stressed about it!

So I just walk over to Sasha and meet up with her and her group of friends like I usually do. Some of my new "friends" who I've meet through the popular group high five me, and we all walk together to our classes.

"So," says one of the guys next to me. "Who's that blue-haired girl you've been hanging out with? Rumor has it, you're dating her."

A chill instantly goes up my spine because I know that they're talking about Ellie.

"She's uh..," I say, nervously. "Sh-she's just a friend."

"You sure?" says another guy next to me. He seems like he's about to say something else, so I quickly cut him off.

"I'm 100% sure. Just a friend. Nothing else. Can we change the subject? Anyways, how are you Sasha? You... y-you look so pretty in that dress. Is it new?" I say super quickly. I'm blushing about Ellie a lot, and it's super noticeable.

"Wait, so rumor has it that your dating that homeschooled weirdo named Ellie?" says Sasha.

=Addie's Perspective=

Me and Violet are purposely walking close enough to the popular group that we can hear their conversations, but far away enough that they're not suspicious.

We've been doing it ever sense Ryan started dating Ellie and Sasha at the same time.

"Did... she just call Ellie... a weirdo?" I whisper to Violet.

"It probably wasn't her. There's a lot of Ellies in this school," Violet says, trying to stay calm.

"They said blue hair. They're clearly talking about Ellie. Plus, no one else is homeschooled here!"

Violet makes a deep sigh and frowns, which I know means: "I know you're right... but I don't want to believe it."

=Ryan's Perspective=

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