You Have To Go

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Ryan's P.O.V.

"I don't miss you," I whispered to the sleeping figure beside me. I knew he couldn't hear me, but i needed to say that. Why the fuck did I allow him back into my bed? Brendon fucking Urie. No I won't take this anymore. Im done with you. For good. 

I glance up at the wall as the early morning sunlight forced its way through my curtains. I pulled the covers back and let my feet touch the cold wooden floor of my bed room. I instantly shivered. Standing up, I grabbed my robe and pulled it on. Silently, I padded across the room and slipped out of the bedroom to make some coffee. As I leaned against the counter, something caught my eye. It was in the chair that Brenden had sat in last night as he became one of the drunks. I couldn't help myself so I picked up the small velvety box and flipped open the lid. My hands flew to my mouth as I dropped the object with a gasp. How dare he! He thinks he can break my heart then waltz back in, fuck me, and then ask for my hand in marriage? I think the fuck not. My eyes stung. I have this habit where I cry when I'm mad and it's very humiliating. I felt the got tears full of rage slip down my skin. Am I just a toy to him? Does he even love me? I need to figure this out. I pulled out my phone and immediately texted the only guy I could trust. Frank Iero.

Frank: what's wrong this time? Can't find your neon socks?
Ryan: no Frankie. This is worse. There is a man in my bed.
Frank: congrats! Finally you got some cock
Ryan: frank..brendon is in my bed...
Frank: shit...not good. I'll be right over.

I paced my kitchen for what seemed like an eternity as I waited for frank to get his tattooed ass over here. Finally the short Italian guy made his appearance, Immediately pulling me into a hug.
"Ry. Is he still asleep" frank asked, not yet letting go of our hug. For some reason I felt safe in his arms.
"Yeah. He is," I sighed and reluctantly pulled away from his embrace. "I don't know what I was thinking."
"Well you weren't thinking," Frank point out as he messed with my hair. "You rarely do, cutie."
I smiled at the insult that held a hidden compliment. "Well what should I do now?"
Frank pursed his lips. "I have a couple ideas on how to get rid of him."
"And how many ideas don't involve bodily harm?" I chewed my bottom lip again.
"Mmm. Only one of my ideas involves no harm," frank chuckled softly.
"Well what is it then?" I sighed. Frank has a funny way of doing things.
"You'll just have to wait and see, Ross," frank smirked.
"Yeah I figured that. While I wait, do you want some coffee?" I poured myself another mug as I waited for his answer.
"Sure," he hopped onto my counter to watch. I started making his coffee just the way he liked it and I handed him the mug of caffeinated heaven. I leaned against the counter opposite of him and sipped my coffee.
"So. Have you told Mia yet?" I asked him.
"Nah. She won't understand," frank mumbled and sipped his drink from the plain black mug.
"Well. You might want to tell her soon. She's your best friend and deserves to know. And maybe she will finally stop trying to set you up with chicks," I chuckled softly.
"Ill tell her later," frank groaned as he looked around my kitchen. I tilted his head.
"Either way, i'll be here to support you," I said with a smile, placing my hand on his ina comforting gesture. Frank simply nodded and smiled. He set his coffee mug down and hopped off the counter.
"C'mere," he whispered and pulled me into another hug. He looked up at me straight into my eyes. I felt my heart start beating a little bit faster. It seemed as if time itself had stopped to give us this moment as our lips collided. He had his hands on my waist and I tangled my fingers into his shoulder length black hair. I could feel his hips against me in the movement of our lips. I couldn't help myself and let put a soft whine. I wanted him. I needed him. Can I have him?
I heard a gasp from the doorway. I opened my eyes, never once pulling from the kiss. It was brendon standing there, though I knew he would. I flipped him off. Brendon looked pissed off. Good. Frank pulled away with me with a smirk. He looked over at brendon and slipped his arm around my waist.
"Good morning, Frank," brendon spoke curtly.
"'sup, Urie," Frank smiled. I looked between the two boys.
"How fucking dare you kiss him," brendon spat the words. Frank took his arm away from me and took a step closer to brendon.
"I think you have overstayed your welcome, Brendon. Now please leave." Frank said with a smile.
"Ryan. Tell frank to leave. Now," Brendon said to me without taking his eyes off frank. I hesitated. "Ryan. Dont make me ask again."
"I uh," I wrapped my arms around myself and looked down at the floor. "Frank. You need to leave." I spoke quietly.
"What? Ryan? But-" frank began to protest but brendon cut him off.
"You heard him. Now leave." He said with a triumphant smirk. And frank left. He looked like a dog who was beaten and I felt awful. But if I didn't do what brendon said, it would have been a hell of a lot worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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