I like you... (Claire x Reader)

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You are just an average guy/girl going to high school as a Freshman for the first day. You walked to the hallways carrying your backpack. You met with your friend at the locker and you give them fist bumps.

"Yo (y/n), have you seen that girl right over that?" Your friend asked you as he pointed to Claire who was standing next to her locker and texting on her cellphone.

You looked at Claire and you noticed that Claire was part of The Pretty Committee. "Claire Lyons?" you asked. "but isn't she one of the pretty committee?"

"She is but she's very different from her friends. She's the same grade as us. I heard she's single now and I heard her boyfriend broke up with her." Your friend kept pushing up his glasses as he looked at Claire.

"Well I heard she's the only nicest girl in the pretty committee, do you think I should ask her on a date?" You looked at your friend and then look at Claire. "She barely knows who I am though."

"Come on man/girl, don't be shy, she be lucky to have you!" Your friend smiles. "You should definitely ask her out, she's cute with her shiny blonde hair and blue eyes!"

"Well she is really pretty cute..." The bell rings as he gets his books and he walks to class. "What class do you have?" You asked your friend as you both looked at each others schedule.

"Oh I have math class, which is this room." Your friend points to his/her classroom. "Well I'll see you later (y/n)."

"Alright see later." You walked to your english class and you saw that Claire was in your class. 'Claire is in my class, should I ask her? wait it will be embarrassing!' You thought about it as you sat down next to Claire.

Claire was talking to her friend Layne, who is not part of the pretty committee and you looked at her for a second but then look away. Then class starts as the teacher started teaching. You took your notebook and pencil out and start taking notes.

You try to write as fast as you could but suddenly your pencil tip broke. You try to find a sharpener to sharpen your pencil since you don't want to get up and sharpen your pencil at the electric pencil sharpener next to her desk. You thought it will be very distracting if you sharpen your pencil there while the teacher teaches.

"Damnit I can't find my sharpener..." You mumbled. You tried to find other pencils you can use but you only have highlighter and erasers.

"You can borrow my pencil, I have another one." You heard someone's voice and you look and notice Claire Lyons giving you her pencil. "You can keep it though." Claire smiled.

You took the pencil Claire gave you and you started blushing. "Thank you." you smiled at her as you continue to take notes.

First period class is over, you put away your notebook and you gave the pencil back to Claire. "Here you might need it, just incase you run out of pencils..." you said as you got a bit nervous looking directly at Claire. You were walking to your next class with Claire.

"No I told you can keep it, you need it more than me." Claire smiles. "By the way, I'm Claire Lyons, what's your name?"

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)." You answered her. "It's nice to meet you.."

Claire smiled. "It's a nice name though." Claire looked at you and you blush a bit.

You keep thinking if you are still able to ask her out or not but you thought it will be too early. "Well I have gym next period, so I'll see you around."

"I have art class next period, I'll see you around sometime." Claire smiles as she walks to her class.

You stared at Claire for a second but then you turned away and walked to gym class. You started thinking that Claire might be the one for you.

Few hours later, classes are finished. Claire saw you waiting at the bus stop. You didn't notice that Claire was looking at you since you were wearing earbuds and finding songs to play on your iPhone.

"Ah perfect." You played the song of your choice. The song that you played was called "Crush" by David Archuleta. The song reminded of Claire, your crush.

Claire walked over you and tapped you on the shoulder. You notice a tap on your shoulder, you turned your music off and looks at Claire. "Oh hey Claire!" you smiled and blushed.

"Hey, um (y/n) I was wondering if your not busy this weekend, do you wanna hang out?" Claire asked while she smiles.

You started blushing when she asked you to hang out and you nodded. "Y-Yes of course." you answered.

"Alright that's great! I'll see you this weekend!" Claire said joyfully. "Oh (y/n), there's something I want to say." Claire started blushing at you.

"Oh what is it Claire?" you asked.

"I like you..." Claire smiles and blushes.

You started blushing when she told you she likes you. "I like you too..." you smiled.

You and Claire waited for the bus together while you guys get to know each other. Claire definitely skipped the hangout with her clique so she could get to know you more. You both started to have a connection each other.

The Clique Series (Various x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon