Meeting Kaleb White

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Chapter 2

Kalebs POV: 

Home base took a lot longer than I had expected it to be, Mr. Jones really knows how to tell very long boring stories. Didn't help that home base was the first thing in the morning. I am barely waking up. He was going on and on about pottery and some other bullshit that I didn't care about. Either way talk about absolute snooze fest. 

I walked into the classroom not caring about all the looks I was getting. As I made my way towards the back I saw her. Lina Samuels. Now this girl was the only girl in the school that I haven't been with and honestly I don't think she even cares that I exist. 

We have had classes together through out the years and there wasn't much on her. She was never involved in any type of girl fight or anything,

I don't know much about her. If anything she did a good job staying under the radar up until now.  Eventually I gradually took the seat next to her. 

She didn't pay much attention as she was lost in her own world. She did jump a little in her seat when she saw that I was sitting here. Staring at her like a lunatic. I sent a smile her way and she just kind of ignored it and looked around. 

I tapped her on the shoulder. Hearing her calm voice echo in head. Now this is a voice I don't think I could ever get tired of. 

"Yes?" She looked my way. Her big hazel eyes just gazing into mine a she patiently waits for me for actually mutter words.

I couldn't think of anything at the time so I replied with a lame question such as.

"Hey you got a pen I could borrow?"


After a while I just ripped a piece of paper and wrote a message to her. 

As I left it beside her I put the pen into my pocket and I whipped out my phone and started to text my friends.

I was in the middle of sending a text and I heard the bell ring. I was the first one out the door. 

 I looked back at Lina and winked at her. There was something about this girl that grabbed my attention but for some reason I know that someone as perfect as her is too good to be true.  She was always guarded and seemed a little on edge. 

Wow I sound like a stalker. But I dont know something about her, I dont know what it is. I have noticed her since Sophomore year but I guess I was a little too over my head. I have tried to talk to her. But she was always hanging out with Tyler Cade 

She must be hiding something and I intend to find out.


Linas POV:

After that awkward moment in home base I made my way to chemistry.  I took a seat next to Tyler who was flirting with one of the girls next to him. 

"Hey" I said announcing my presence. Tyler turned to my direction and I can tell the girl was annoyed. 

"Hey how was home base?" He asked. Pulling out a blueberry muffin from his pocket. 

Gross. He offered me some, shaking my head no he continued to eat it like there was no tomorrow.

"Um pretty interesting. Kaleb White is in the same home base as me." I mentioned. 

"Hmm Interesting."  

"Hey so can I ask you something.?" 

"Yeah go for it"

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